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The aim of this study was to estimate the annual growth rate in production and exportation of Brazil nut almonds. Presents information related to the composition of different fatty acids from brazil n... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2008

The regeneration of Brazil nut trees depends on tree-fall gaps in the forest. However, shifting cultivation fallows also create comparable biotic and abiotic opportunities for the dispersion and estab... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2011

In the State of Acre, the Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excelsa (Lecythidaceae), is classified by the local population into two types according to morphological characteristics, including color and qu... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2013

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2018

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2011

In the Amazonian state of Acre, Brazil, Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) have been commercially collected for almost a century by traditional populations inhabiting the forests of the Acre Ri... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2005

Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) is a long-lived emergent, distributed throughout much of the Amazon?s terra firme forests, and lianas that climb this forest dominant are in a superior positio... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2005

Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.) is considered the cornerstone non-timber species of Amazonian conservation. Nuts (or seeds) of this massive tree are harvested by local people living in and ne... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2020

Harvest of Brazil nuts from the large, iconic tree Bertholletia excelsa generates substantial income for smallholders, providing a strong incentive to conserve the mature forests where it grows. Altho... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2018

Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.) is an Amazonian Forest species, which is acknowledged for the commercialization of its almonds. It is an endangered species, fact that reinforces the need of c... ...

Repositório: BDPA     Ano de publicação: 2018


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