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Autoria: ARIAS, D.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, P. A.; CONTINI, E.; FARINELLI, B.; MORRIS, M. Section 1. Introduction and motivation; Section 2: Evolution and sources of agriculture productivity growth; Section 3: Use of factors of agriculture production; Section 4: Is Brazil maximizing agricu... ... |
Autoria: ARIAS, D.; MENDES, P.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, P. A. Context and objectives; Methodology; Results; Agenda for the furture; Final considerations. |
Autoria: DIAS, F. R. T.; PICOLI, J. F.; COSTA, F. P.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F. This chapter presents information on the main resources and emissions considered in the life cycle inventory for beef cattle production in Brazil. The beef cattle industry in Brazil was responsible fo... ... |
Autoria: HUF DOS REIS, A. M.; TEIXEIRA, W. G.; FONTANA, A.; BARROS, A. H. C.; VICTORIA, D. de C. Soil bulk density is an important soil physical property, used as a quality indicator. Its variation influences soil water content and carbon stock estimates. This study aims to evaluate the accuracy... ... |
Autoria: HEINEMANN, A. B.; STONE, L. F.; SILVA, S. C. da; SANTOS, A. B. dos Upland rice in Brazil: Characterization of the production area. Yield potential. Agrometeorological conditions of yield. Air temperature. Solar radiation. Photoperiod. Rain. Climate zoning risk. Irrig... ... |
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