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Autoria: PRADO, G. S.; ROCHA, D. C.; SANTOS, L. N. dos; CONTILIANI, D. F.; NOBILE, P. M.; MARTINATI-SCHENK, J. C.; PADILHA, L.; MALUF, M. P.; LUBINI, G.; PEREIRA, T. C.; MONTEIRO-VITORELLO, C. B.; CRESTE, S.; BOSCARIOL-CAMARGO, R. L.; TAKITA, M. A.; CRISTOFANI-YALY, M.; SOUZA, A. A. de Gene editing technologies have opened up the possibility of manipulating the genome of any organism in a predicted way. CRISPR technology is the most used genome editing tool and, in agriculture, it h... ... |
Autoria: VILELA, V. A. A.; AMARO, A. R. F. V. B. de L.; MORASI, I. M.; MURRER, M. K.; ABREU, P. F. G.; MOLTOCARO, R. C. R.; MORICONI, W.; GONCALVES, J. R. P.; SILVA, L. C. F. da; PACKER, A. P. Abstract: The objective of this study was to establish correlations among the total N and the SPAD read- ings in Coffea arabica leaves. This study is part of a project that aims to evaluate the agrono... ... |
Autoria: CASTANHEIRA, D. T.; BARCELOS, T. R.; GUIMARÃES, R. J.; CARVALHO, M. A. de F.; REZENDE, T. T.; BASTOS, I. dos S.; CRUVINEL, A. H. Water restriction significantly affects coffee (Coffea arabica L.) production. The study of a few agronomic techniques that optimizes water use can generate technologies for mitigating the effects of... ... |
Autoria: PARTELLI, F. L.; VIEIRA, H. D.; FERREIRA, E. P. de B.; VIANA, A. P.; ESPINDOLA, J. A. A.; URQUIAGA, S.; BODDEY, R. M. Notwithstanding its relevance, studies regarding nutrient cycling and biological dinitrogen fixation in Conilon coffee (Coffee canephora cv. Conilon) associated with cover plants are very scarce. Aimi... ... |
Autoria: ZARO, G. C.; CARAMORI, P. H.; WREGE, M. S.; CALDANA, N. F. da S.; VIRGENS FILHO, J. S. das; MORAIS, H.; YADA JUNIOR, G. M.; CARAMORI, D. C. ABSTRACT: Adaptation to climate change is a strategy for crops to cope with the scenario of rising temperatures worldwide. In the case of Coffea arabica L., the use of agroforestry systems (AFS) with... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, M. P. dos; MOTA, A. P. Z.; TOGAWA, R. C.; MARTINS, N. F.; NASCIMENTO, E. F. de M. B. do; LUCENA, V. S.; CASTELLANI, M. A.; FREIRE, E. V. S. A.; HILLIOU, F. The coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella) is one of the major pests of coffee crops in the neotropical regions, and causes major economic losses. Few molecular data are available to identify this p... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, K. R.; FERREIRA, W. P. M.; FONSECA, H. P.; SOUZA, C. F. Coffee is among the most significant products in Brazil. Minas Gerais is the largest state producer of Arabica coffee. Coffee activity has excellent growth potential, which justifies the identificatio... ... |
Autoria: COLTRI, P. P.; CORDEIRO, R. L. F.; SOUZA, T. T. de; ROMANI, L. A. S.; ZULLO JÚNIOR, J.; TRAINA JÚNIOR, C.; TRAINA, A. J. M. Diante do grande desafio que é classificar imagens de sensoriamento remoto de café, o objetivo deste trabalho foi aplicar o novo algoritmo QMAS para classificar áreas de café comparando os resultados... ... |
Autoria: BARROS, V. M. de S.; THIMOTHEE, J. A.; RODRIGUES, R. J. A.; GONÇALVES, A. H.; MEDEIROS, F. C. L. de; FERREIRA, A. D.; CARVALHO, G. R. The aim of this study was to evaluate the floristic and phytosociological compositions of weeds and the influence of cover crops between rows of organic and conventional coffee plantations. The assess... ... |
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