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Autoria: CAPALBO, D. M. F.; ARANTES, O. M. N.; MAIA, A. G.; BORGES, I. C.; SILVEIRA, J. M. F. J. da Abstract: This paper analyzes the view of stakeholders on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the implications of these views on communication strategies for agricultural biotechnology in Brazil... ... |
Autoria: CAPALBO, D. M. F.; ARANTES, O. M. N.; MAIA, A. G.; BORGES, I. C.; SILVEIRA, J. M. F. J. da Abstract: This paper analyzes the view of stakeholders on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the implications of these views on communication strategies for agricultural biotechnology in Brazil... ... |
Autoria: CAPALBO, D. M. F.; KAREMBU, M. G.; NGUTHI, F. N. Communicating agricultural biotechnology and biosafety issues encompasses a spectrum of issues from the factual dissemination of scientific research to societal values and beliefs. This affirms the ne... ... |
Autoria: LEAO, A. P.; FERREIRA FILHO, J. A.; PEREIRA, V. M.; ALVES, A. A.; SOUZA JUNIOR, M. T. In this study, we used SNP markers to access the genetic components occurrence of genetic differentiation resulting from the selection processes applied to collect and maintain the germplasm bank of E... ... |
Autoria: SAVIAN, J. C.; SCHONS, R. M. T.; SCHNEIDER, E. A. N.; PENSO, J. F.; CAETANO, L. A. M.; MARCHI, D. E.; MEZZALIRA, J. C.; BERNDT, A.; BAYER, C.; Carvalho, P. C. F.
Autoria: MACHADO, R. C.; SILVA, A. B. S. da; ANDRADE, D. F. de; PINHEIRO, F. C.; WILLIAMS, C. B.; DONATI, G. L.; NOGUEIRA, A. R. de A.; PEREIRA FILHO, E. R. Multi-flow calibration (MFC) is based on monitoring the analytical signal from a single calibration standard solution at several different nebulization gas flow rates (Q), which normalizes plasma cond... ... |
Autoria: DANTAS, A. R.; GUEDES, M. C.; LIRA-GUEDES, A. C.; PIEDADE, M. T. F. Natural history of hyperdominant tree populations in the Brazilian Amazon Region is still unknown in plant science. Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze (Fabaceae) is a hyperdominant tree species wh... ... |
Autoria: GONDIM, R. S.; MUNIZ, C. R.; GURGEL, C. M.; JUNIOR, R. N. de A.; SANTOS, C. L. A. dos
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