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Autoria: WREGE, M. S.; HIGA, R. C. V.; BRITEZ, R. M.; SOUSA, V. A. de; CARAMORI, P. H.; BRAGA, H. J.; RADIN, B. Araucaria angustifolia, known as Parana pine, sets the boundary of the Ombrophylous Mixed Forest. Natural occurrence is above 500 m on the Brazilian Southern tableland and it has been related to clima... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, A. C. R. de; MOURÃO, I. C. S.; ARAGAO, F. A. S. de; CARVALHO, A. C. P. P. de
Autoria: SANTOS, D. N.; NUNES, C. F.; SETOTAW, T. A.; PIO, R.; PASQUAL, M.; CANÇADO, G. M. de A. Cambuci (Campomanesia phaea) belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is native to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. It has ecological and social appeal but is exposed to problems associated with environmenta... ... |
Autoria: LEAO, A. P.; FERREIRA FILHO, J. A.; PEREIRA, V. M.; ALVES, A. A.; SOUZA JUNIOR, M. T. In this study, we used SNP markers to access the genetic components occurrence of genetic differentiation resulting from the selection processes applied to collect and maintain the germplasm bank of E... ... |
Autoria: LEUCHTENBERGER, C.; BAROCAS, A.; THOISY, B. de; WARD, C.; EVANGELISTA, E.; MICHALSKI, F.; TRUJILLO, F.; GEORGIADIS, G.; MOURAO, G. de M.; GIL, G.; GROENENDIJK, J.; MENDOZA OBLITAS, J.; RHEINGANTZ, M. L; BUSCHIAZZO, M.; MARMONTEL, M.; VAN DAMME, P.; WALLACE, R.; BOHER, S.; MARTINO, S.; PEREIRA, T. S.; UTRERAS, V. The largest otter was once the most endangered in the mid-1970s when the fur trade decimated its numbers over most of its South Amercian range. The implementation of cites, strong national protection... ... |
Autoria: BALDAUF, C.; CIAMPI, M. B.; VIGNA, B. B. Z.; MORI, G. M.; GUEDES, J. P. P.; SOUZA, A. P. de; SANTOS, F. A. M. dos ? Premise of the study: We developed a new set of microsatellite markers for studying the genome of the janaguba tree, Himatanthus drasticus (Mart.) Plumel, which is used in folk medicine in northeast... ... |
Autoria: MACHADO, J. A. R.; FREITAS, M. M.; PAIVA, D. I.; SOUZA, B. M. de; SOUSA, V. A. de; MARTINS, K.; OLIVEIRA, E. B. de; AGUIAR, A. V. de Araucaria angustifolia is a species known for its valuable wood and nuts, but it is threatened with extinction. The plantation of forests for genetic resource conservation is a complementary strategy... ... |
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