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Autoria: FERNANDES, J. M. C.; PAVAN, W.; PEQUENO, D.; WIEST, R.; HOLBIG, C. A.; OLIVEIRA, F.; HOOGENBOOM, G. One of the biggest accomplishments in human history has been the domestication of plants, providing a more continuous food supply and promoting the conformation of sedentary agricultural groups (Pérez... ... |
Autoria: RAMIREZ-VILLEGAS, J.; MOLERO MILAN, A.; ALEXANDROV, N.; ASSENG, S.; CHALLINOR, A. J.; CROSSA, J.; VAN EEUWIJK, F.; GHANEM, M. E.; GRENIER, C.; HEINEMANN, A. B.; WANG, J.; JULIANA, P.; KEHEL, Z.; KHOLOVA, J; KOO, J.; PEQUENO, D.; QUIROZ, R.; REBOLLEDO, M. C.; SUKUMARAN, S.; VADEZ, V.; WHITE, J. W.; REYNOLDS, M. Crop improvement efforts aiming at increasing crop production (quantity, quality) and adapting to climate change have been subject of active research over the past years. But, the question remains 'to... ... |
Autoria: CERQUEIRA, C. L.; ARCE, J. E.; VENDRUSCOLO, D. G. S.; DOLÁCIO, C. J. F.; COSTA FILHO, S. V. S. da; TONINI, H. Modelagem do afilamento do fuste de eucalipto em sistema de integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar a modelagem de efeitos mistos e redes neurais arti... ... |
Autoria: ABRANTES, K. K. B.; PAIVA, L. M.; ALMEIDA, R. G. de; URBANO, E.; FERREIRA, A. D.; MUZUCHELI, J. The aim of this study was to model the individual height and volume of eucalyptus wood in two integrated crop-livestock-forest systems (ICLF1 and ICLF2) in Campo Grande, a city in the state of Mato Gr... ... |
Autoria: MINGOTI, R.; PESSOA, M. C. P. Y.; MORIYA, L. M.; PIZA, P. L. B. DE T. Spodoptera littoralis Boisduval, 1833 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) é uma mariposa polífaga e praga quarentenária ausente (PQA) no Brasil, conforme o Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (Mapa). Entre os c... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, E. H. F. M. da; HOOGENBOOM, G.; BOOTE, K. J.; CUADRA, S. V.; PORTER, C. H.; SCIVITTARO, W. B.; STEINMETZ, S.; CERRI, C. E. P. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food and plays a crucial role in the food security of many countries. However, rice cultivation is associated with significant methane (CH4) emissions, contributing... ... |
Autoria: MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F.; DIAS, F. R. T.; POCOLI, J. F.; LUCAS, K. R. G.; CASTRO, C. de; HIRAKURI, M. H. Sunflower is an important crop in Parecis region of the Brazilian Cerrado. In 2014, the region produced 232.700 tons of sunflower grains, 45% ofthe national production. Sunflower production comes most... ... |
Autoria: MARIN, F. R.; JONES, J. W.; ROYCE, F.; SUGUITANI, C.; DONZELLI, J. L.; PALLONE FILHO, W.; NASSIF, D. S. P. The DSSAT/CANEGRO model was parameterized and its predictions evaluated using data from five sugarcane experiments conducted in Southern Brazil. Some parameters whose values were either directly measu... ... |
Autoria: MELO, M. L. A. de; CAMILO, J. A.; ANDRADE, C. de L. T. de; AMARAL, T. A.; SOUZA, I. R. P. de; SIMEÃO, R. M. In Brazil, livestock activity is affected by the seasonality of forage supply, which depends on the distribution of rainfall. The use of silage is one of the strategies to solve the problem during the... ... |
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