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Inheritance of resistance to soybean cyst nematode races 3 and 14 in soybean RIL and F2 populations. Autoria: SILVA, M. F. da; SCHUSTER, I.; CERVIGNI, G. D. L.; SILVA, J. F. V. da; DIAS, W. P.; FERREIRA, A.; BARROS, E. G. de; MOREIRA, M. A. ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to evaluate the soybean inheritance of resistance to cyst nematode races 3 and 14. The following populations where evaluated: one population of recombinant in... ... |
Autoria: ARIAS, C. A. A.; DIAS, W. P.; CARNEIRO, G. E. S.; OLIVEIRA, M. F.; TOLEDO, J. F. F. de; CARRÃO-PANIZZI, M. C.; PIPOLO, A. E.; MOREIRA, J. U. V.; KASTER, M.; BERTAGNOLLI, P. F. The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is one of the most important diseases in Brazil that causes losses in practically all Brazilian growing regions. Breeding for SCN resista... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, M. F. da; CERVIGNI, G. D. L; FERREIRA, A.; SCHUSTER, I.; SANTANA, F. A.; PEREIRA, W. D.; BARROS, E. G. de; MOREIRA, M. A. The objective of this work was to identify major and minor-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to races 3, 9, and 14 of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in Hartwig cultivar; to map new resi... ... |
Autoria: SANTANA, F. A.; SILVA, M. F. da; GUIMARÃES, J. K. F.; FERREIRA, M. F. da S.; PEREIRA, W. D.; PIOVESAN, N. D.; BARROS, E. G. de Resistant lines can be identified by marker-assisted selection (MAS), based on alleles of genetic markers linked to the resistance trait. This reduces the number of phenotypically evaluated lines, one... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, M. F. da; CERVIGNI, G. D. L.; FERREIRA, A.; SCHUSTER, I.; SANTANA, F. A.; DIAS, W. P.; BARROS, E. G.; MOREIRA, M. A. The objective of this work was to identify major and minor?effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to races 3, 9, and 14 of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) in Hartwig cultivar; to map new resi... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, M. F. da; SCHUSTER, I.; SILVA, J. F. V. da; FERREIRA, A.; BARROS, E. G. de; MOREIRA, M. A. ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to validate microsatellite markers associated with resistance to soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) races 3 and 14, in soybean (Glycine max... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, D. M.; SOUZA, V. H. M. de; MORAL, R. de A.; DELALIBERA JÚNIOR, I.; MASCARIN, G. M. Abstract: Pochoniachlamydosporia and Purpureocilliumlilacinum are fungal bioagents used for the sustainable management of plant parasitic nematodes. However, their production through submerged liquid... ... |
Autoria: ASMUS, G. L.; TELES, T. S. O nematoide de cisto da soja (NCS), Heterodera glycines, é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção de soja no Brasil. Desde a sua constatação na safra 1991/1992, o NCS distribuiu-se por pratic... ... |
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