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Autoria: XIN, F.; XIAO, X.; CABRAL, O. M. R.; WHITE JUNIOR, P. M.; GUO, H.; MA, J.; LI, B.; ZHAO, B. Abstract: Sugarcane (complex hybrids of Saccharum spp., C4 plant) croplands provide cane stalk feedstock for sugar and biofuel (ethanol) production. It is critical for us to analyze the phenology and... ... |
Autoria: PINTO, D. M.; BIN, A.; FERRÉ, M.; TURNER, J. A.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; COSTA, M. M.; PEREIRO, M. S.; MECHELK, J.; ROMEMONT, A. DE; HEAUNE, K. Abstract: Recognizing evaluation results as a crucial source of information to support RD&I management, this article introduces ‘AgroRadarEval’, an interactive tool aimed at fulfilling theoretical, co... ... |
Autoria: DRUCKER, D. P.; PINTO, D. M.; FIDALGO, E. C. C.; CUSTODIO, D. de O.; VICTORIA, D. de C.; ALMEIDA, B. T. de; PIEROZZI JUNIOR, I.; MACHADO, C. R. de L.; SANTOS, V. V. dos; SILVA, G. B. S. da; LAFORET, M. R. C.; TAKEMURA, C. M.; OLIVEIRA, L. H. M. de We describe our effort on building a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) at Embrapa, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, a networked public company composed by 46 research centers distribut... ... |
Autoria: ROMANI, L. A. S.; EVANGELISTA, S. R. M.; VACARI, I.; APOLINÁRIO, D. R. de F.; VAZ, G. J.; SPERANZA, E. A.; BARBOSA, L. A. F.; DRUCKER, D. P.; MASSRUHA, S. M. F. S. This study showed that the AgroAPI platform, its available APIs and the applications developed with them contribute to reaching SDGs, particularly those related to agriculture. |
Autoria: SIMÕES, M.; FERRAZ, R.; VERWEIJ, P.; EQUIHUAL, M.; MAQUEO, O.; ALVEZ, A. A relação entre a perda de biodiversidade e os impactos nos serviços ecossistêmicos de florestas tropicais, em face à mudança global do clima em curso precisa ser melhor quantificada. Neste trabalho,... ... |
Autoria: VASQUES, G. de M.; RODRIGUES, H. M.; OLIVEIRA, R. P. de; HERNANI, L. C.; TAVARES, S. R. de L. The objectives are to delineate soil management zones from soil proximal sensor data, and compare soil property values among zones in a 72-ha crop field in southeastern Brazil. Apparent electrical con... ... |
Autoria: FERRAZ, R. P. D.; SIMÕES, M.; ALVES, A. O.; XAUD, H. A. M. Biodiversity supports many ecosystem services that are very important for climate change mitigation and adaptation. There is a functional link between the tropical forest ecosystem biodiversity and th... ... |
Autoria: MAHLEIN, A. K.; BARBEDO, J. G. A.; CHIANG, K. S.; DEL PONTE, E. M.; BOCK, C. H. In the past decade, there has been a recognized need for innovative methods to monitor and manage plant diseases, aiming to meet the precision demandsof modern agriculture. Over the last 15 years, sig... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, D. A. B.; PEREIRA, L. G. R.; BRESOLIN, T.; FERREIRA, R. E. P.; DREA, J. R. R. In livestock operations, systematically monitoring animal body weight, bio-metric body measurements, animal behavior, feed bunk, and other difficult-to-measure phenotypes is manually unfeasible due to... ... |
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