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Autoria: ALVES, F. G. S.; MÉNDEZ, E. J. C.; NASCIMENTO, B. B.; FURTADO, R. N.; VASCONCELOS, E. C. G.; OTAVIANO, E. K. S.; MOREIRA, J. B. S.; POMPEU, R. C. F. F.; CÂNDIDO, M. J. D. Background: Management strategies may affect plant growth and herbage characteristics. Thus, understanding its impact may help to define appropriate management. Objective: To evaluate the effect of di... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, P. M.; THORNTON, B.; CORSI, M. The nitrogen (N) supplied to growing leaves from root uptake and mobilisation from senescing tissues may be reduced following defoliation. |
Autoria: COSTA, N. de L.; MAGALHAES, J. A.; RODRIGUES, B. H. N.; SANTOS, F. J. de S. The effect of defoliation levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm above soil level) on dry matter (DM) yield and morphogenetic and structural characteristics of Axonopus aureus was evaluated under field c... ... |
Autoria: LEAO, P. C. de S.; SANTOS, A. R. L. dos; GONÇALVES, D. A. R.; DIAS, J. P. This work shows results related to the 4th production cycle for physiological and agronornic characteristics of vine Syrah, subrnitted to the practices of defoliation and topping. |
Autoria: COSTA, N. de L.; JANK, L.; MAGALHAES, J. A.; BENDAHAN, A. B.; RODRIGUES, B. H. N.; SANTOS, F. J. de S. The effect of defoliation intensities (20, 30, 40 and 50 cm above soil level) on green dry matter (GDM) yield and morphogenetic and structural characteristics of Megathyrsus maximus cv. Centenário wer... ... |
Autoria: FERNANDES, E. T.; AVILA, C. J.; SILVA, I. F. da Any factor that may limit the leaf area of the crop in soybean may compromise its development and, consequently, its productivity. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different levels o... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, J. P.; MARQUES, D. M.; KARAM, D.; BORGHI, E.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; SOUZA, K. R. D. de; ARANTES, S. D.; SOUZA, T. C. de Defoliation is a type of mechanical stress, and few studies have investigated this process in the early stages of maize development. Pest attacks, hail and machinery traffic have increased in recent d... ... |
Autoria: PERDOMO, D. N.; RODRIGUES, A. A. R.; SAMPAIO, M. V.; CELOTTO, F. J.; MENDES, S. M.; PEREIRA, A. S.; LIMA, D. T. de; REZENDE, G. F. The effect of silicon (Si) on fitness and leaf consumption of the fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith), has been observed in the laboratory, but the effects of Si on damage or defoliatio... ... |
Autoria: BARBOSA, R. A.; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, D. do; VILELA, H. H; SILVA, S. C. da; EUCLIDES, V. P. B.; SBRISSIA, A. F.; SOUSA, B. M. de L. It was evaluated the morphogenic and structural characteristics of guinea grass under rotational at three grazing intervals and two defoliation intensities. Grazing intervals corresponded to the time... ... |
Physiological and sanitary quality of ryegrass seeds submitted to different defoliation frequencies. Autoria: CUNHA, R. P. da; BONOW, J. F. L.; MITTELMANN, A.; MAIA, M. de S.; BOHN, A.; OLIVEIRA, R. C. de; SILVA, J. D. G. da; PEDREOSO, C. E. da S. ABSTRACT: This study determined the effect of different defoliation frequencies in a long-cycle ryegrass cultivar on yield components and the physiological and sanitary quality of seeds. Four defoliat... ... |
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