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Diallel analysis: choosing parents to introduce new variability in a recurrent selection population. Autoria: GUIMARÃES, P. H. R.; CASTRO, A. P. de; COLOMBARI FILHO, J. M.; TORGA, P. P.; RANGEL, P. H. N.; MELO, P. G. S. Selecting appropriate donors and acquiring information about the genetic basis of inheritance is essential for breeding programs. In this study, a diallel cross was produced by crossing 15 progenies w... ... |
Autoria: QUEIROZ, D. R.; FARIAS, F. J. C.; CAVALCANTI, J. J. V.; CARVALHO, L. P. de; NEDER, D. G.; SOUZA, L. S. S.; FARIAS, F. C.; TEODORO, P. E. Final cotton quality is of great importance, and it depends on intrinsic and extrinsic fiber characteristics. The objective of this study was to estimate general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abi... ... |
Autoria: AGUIAR, P. A. de; PENNA, J. C. V.; FREIRE, E. C.; MELO, L. C. Foram realizados todos os cruzamentos entre oito cultivares comerciais de algodoeiro, obtendo-se 28 combinações híbridas, que somados aos oito progenitores constituíram-se nos 36 tratamentos avaliados... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, I. J. de; VELLO, N. A.; VIEIRA, P. de M. J.; WYMINERSKY, P. T. The objective of this work was to use a partial diallel to evaluate the combining ability of 14 soybean genotypes and recommend superior combinations. |
Autoria: AGUILA, R. M. D.; SILVA, E. F. da Diallel analysis is a methodology used in the genetic improvement of plants. One of its main purposes is to provide subsidies for early identification of promising crosses for the development of high... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, R. A. D. C.; PESSOA, T. V. de S.; SILVA, F. F. e; DIAS, K. O. das G.; CARNEIRO, P. C. S.; CRUZ, C. D.; MACHADO, J. C. Elephant grass is an allogamous perennial forage crop with asexual propagation, allowing plant breeders to explore heterosis and develop hybrids. However, selecting parents for diallel crossing scheme... ... |
Autoria: GERHARDT, I. F. S.; AMARAL JÚNIOR, A. T. do; PENA, G. F.; GUIMARAES, L. J. M.; LIMA, V. J. de; VIVAS, M.; SANTOS, P. H. A. D.; FERREIRA, F. R. A.; FREITAS, M. S. M.; KAMPHORST, S. H. Agricultural expansion and the need for sustainable cultivation are challenges faced by researchers involved in the generation of new cultivars that can adapt to abiotic stress. Knowledge of the genet... ... |
Autoria: GUEDES, F. L.; DINIZ, R. P.; BALESTRE, M.; RIBEIRO, C. B.; CAMARGOS, R. B.; SOUZA, J. C. Abstract: The objective of our study was to characterize and determine the patterns of genetic control in relation to tolerance and efficiency of nitrogen use by means of a complete diallel cross invo... ... |
Autoria: PACHECO, C. A. P.; SILVA, H. D.; SANTOS, M. X. dos; GUIMARAES, P. E. de O.; PARENTONI, S. N.; GAMA, E. E. G. e; SCAPIM, C. A.; MEIRELLES, W. F.; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; VIEIRA JUNIOR, P. A. The objective of this study was to assess the representativeness of the test environments used by the maize breeding program of Embrapa in the first phase of genotype evaluation. Ear weight of 378 hyb... ... |
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