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Autoria: YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; NONATO, J. V. A.; DUARTE, R. C. R. M.; PEREIRA, H. D.; ALMEIDA, V.; RIBEIRO, A. P.; FERNANDES, F. R.; GERHARDT, I. R.; DANTE, R. A.; ARRUDA, P. At the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), we study both genes of unknown function involved in drought response in extremophile plants and genes of the alternative respiratory pathway... ... |
Autoria: ANDREATA, E. C.; COUTINHO, I. D.; MARIN, S. R. R.; BELINATO, C. F.; MOLINARI, M. D. C.; BARBOSA, D. A.; NEPOMUCENO, A. L.; COLNAGO, L. A.; MERTZ-HENNING, L. M. Soybean is one of the commodities of major economic importance in nowadays. However, the presence of abiotic factors, such as water deficit (WD), is one of the impasses to be overcome by crops in the... ... |
Autoria: MARRACCINI, P.; VIEIRA, N. G.; DUARTE, K. E.; AQUINO, S. O.; CARNEIRO, F. A.; COSTA, T. S.; SUJII, P. S.; VINECKY, F.; ALEKCEVETCH, J. C.; ALVES, G. S. C.; LEROY, T.; BELLIS, F. de; FERRÃO, M. A. G.; DAMATTA, F. M.; POT, D.; SILVA, V. A.; RODRIGUES, G. C.; ANDRADE, A. C. With the aim to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying drought tolerance in coffee plants of C. canephora and C. arabica, qPCR experiments identified more than 80 candidate genes (CGs) presen... ... |
Autoria: PELLEGRINETTI, T. A.; SILVA, A. V. R. da; CUNHA, I. C. M.; BOLETA, E. H. M.; MAFRA, T. M. L.; LOSOVOI, L. A.; MENDES, R.; TSAI, S. M.; MENDES, L. W. Increasing global temperatures and diminishing water resources pose significant threats to food security. Exploring the role of therhizosphere microbiome in improving plant drought tolerance presents... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, E. J. de; MORGANTE, C. V.; AIDAR, S. de T.; CHAVES, A. R. de M.; ANTONIO, R. P.; CRUZ, J. L.; COELHO FILHO, M. A. The development of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) with a high yield under water-deficit conditions is one of the goal of the breeding programs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perf... ... |
Autoria: ARMANHI, J. S. L.; SOUZA, R. S. C. de; BIAZOTTI, B. B.; YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; ARRUDA, P. Plant perception and responses to environmental stresses are known to encompass a complex set of mechanisms in which the microbiome is involved. Knowledge about plant physiological responses is theref... ... |
Autoria: BELONI, T.; SANTOS, P. M.; BALACHOWSKI, J.; ROVADOSCKI, G. A.; VOLAIRE, F. Brachiaria (syn, Urochloa) species occupy about 70 million hectares in the Cerrado and Amazon biomes, but climate change may make usingthis grass unfeasible in some regions due to severe periods of dr... ... |
Autoria: PINTO, D. R.; MENEZES, C. B. de; CARVALHO, A. J. de; PORTUGAL, A. F.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; SILVA, K. J. da; SANTOS, C. V.; CAMPOS, A. F.; OLIVEIRA, S. M. de; ASPIAZÚ, I. Selection for drought tolerance is one of the main challenges of sorghum breeding programs, and early phenotyping, in the seedling phase, can increase selection gains for this trait. This work evaluat... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, A. C. de; GOMIDE, R. L.; ANDRADE, C. de L. T. de; FIGUEIREDO, A. P. M.
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