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Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; BORNER, J.; DAVIDSON, E. A. Abstract: Several hydrobiogeochemical research activities have been conducted in the Eastern Amazon, contributing to the understanding of how changes in forests and agro-ecosystems affect ecosystem se... ... |
Autoria: BENTES, M. P. de M.; PEREIRA, N. dos S.; SALMAN, A. K. D.; FIGUEIRO, M. R.; CAPELASSO, P. H. da S.; ZAMORA LÓPEZ, G. F. The aim of this paper was to provide information on initial lanscape change using Amazonian native tree species: sobrasil (Colubrina glandulosa Perkins), ipê amarelo (Tabebuia sp.), jatobá (Hymenaea r... ... |
Autoria: FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; MARKEWITZ, D.; DAVIDSON, E. A.; SCHULER, A. E.; WATRIN, O. dos S.; SILVA, P. de S. Deforestation is altering small catchment hydrobiogeochemistry in the Amazon. To evaluate land use change effects on water chemistry and other measures of water quality, five low-order streams were st... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, J. S. R.; KATO, O. R.; OLIVEIRA, T. F.; QUEIROZ, J. C. B. This study evaluates the sustainability of the innovative practices of smallholders who have extended their traditional farming and backyard gardening to other production parcels, such as agroforest s... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, E. K. B. de; REZENDE, A. V.; MURTA JÚNIOR; FREITAS, L. J. M. de; CASTRO, R. V. O.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'; DELGADO, R. C. The mortality of trees in humid tropical forests plays a fundamental role in understanding forest development, particularly after disturbances such as those caused by logging and extreme weather event... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, N. DE F. A. DOS; SILVA, J. A. R. DA; ARAÚJO, A. A. DE; VIANA, R. B.; GARCIA, A. R.; BEZERRA, A. S.; NAHUM, B. de S.; LOURENÇO JUNIOR, J. DE B. This research aimed to study the behavior of female Murrah buffaloes in a silvopastoral system. The trial was carried out at Embrapa Eastern Amazon, under Afi climate according to the Köppen classific... ... |
Autoria: MILHEIRAS, S. G.; GUEDES, M. C.; SILVA, F. A. B.; APARÍCIO, P.; MACE, G. M. The preservation of tropical forests is increasingly at risk, including forests located within human-modified landscapes that retain high conservation value. People modify and interact with these land... ... |
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