Author(s): SOARES, T. N.; TELLES, M. P. C.; RESENDE, L. V.; SILVEIRA, L.; JÁCOMO, A. T. A.; MORATO, R. G.; DINIZ-FILHO, J. A. F.; EIZIRIK, E.; BRONDANI, R. P. V.; BRONDANI, C. We used microsatellite loci to test the paternity of two male jaguars involved in an infanticide event recorded during a long-term monitoring program of this species. Seven microsatellite primers orig... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2006 |
Author(s): ATTIAS, N.; MIRANDA, F. R.; SENA, L. M. M.; TOMAS, W. M.; MOURAO, G. It is believed that the two species of Tolypeutes Illiger, 1811are the only armadillos that do not dig their own burrows, and that these species simply re-use burrows dug by other species. Here, we sh... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2016 |
Author(s): NICKELE, M. A.; REIS FILHO, W.; PIE, M. R.; PENTEADO, S. do R. C. Leaf-cutting ants are well-known insects due to their remarkable activity as herbivores and the considerable economic damage they cause to many crops. The identification of season and time of day when... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2016 |
Author(s): ARAUJO, G. P. de Drawing from previous studies, this review proposes a research agenda in regard to household food waste, a neglected topic within the field of consumer behavior. This phenomenon has remarkable social... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2016 |
Author(s): BROEKMAN, M. J. E.; HILBERS, J. P.; HUIJBREGTS, M. A. J.; MUELLER, T.; ALI, A.; ANDRÉN, H.; ALTMANN, J.; ARONSSON, M.; ATTIAS, N.; BARTLAM-BROOKS, H. L. A.; BEEST, F. M. V.; BELANT, J. L.; BEYER, D. E.; BIDNER, L.; BLAUM, N.; BOONE, R. B.; BOYCE, M. S.; BROWN, M. B.; CAGNACCI, F.; CERNE, R.; CHAMAILLÉ-JAMMES, S.; DEJID, N.; DEKKER, J.; DESBIEZ, A. L. J.; DÍAZ-MUÑOZ, S. L.; FENNESSY, J.; FICHTEL, C.; FISCHER, C.; FISHER, J. T.; FISCHHOFF, I.; FORD, A. T.; FRYXELL, J. M.; GEHR, B.; GOHEEN, J. R.; HAUPTFLEISCH, M.; HEWISON, A. J. M.; HERING, R.; HEURICH, M.; ISBELL, L. A.; JANSSEN, R.; JELTSCH, F.; KACZENSKY, P.; KAPPELER, P. M.; KROFEL, M.; LAPOINT, S.; LATHAM, A. D. M.; LINNELL, J. D. C.; MARKHAM, A. C.; MATTISSON, J.; MEDICI, E. P.; MOURAO, G.; MOORTER, B. V.; MORATO, R. G.; MORELLET, N.; MYSTERUD, A.; MWIU, S.; ODDEN, J.; OLSON, K. A.; ORNICANS, A.; PAGON, N.; PANZACCHI, M.; PETROELJE, T.; ROLANDSEN, C. M.; ROSHIER, D.; RUBENSTEIN, D. I.; SAÏD, S.; SALEMGAREYEV, A. R.; SAWYER, H.; SCHMIDT, N. M.; SELVA, N.; SERGIEL, A.; STABACH, J.; STACY-DAWES, J.; STEWART, F. E. C.; STIEGLER, J.; STRAND, O.; SUNDARESAN, S.; SVOBODA, N. J.; ULLMANN, W.; VOIGT, U.; WALL, J.; WIKELSKI, M.; WILMERS, C. C.; ZIEBA, F.; ZWIJACZ-KOZICA, T.; SCHIPPER, A. M.; TUCKER, M. A. Macroecological studies that require habitat suitability data for many species often derive this information from expert opinion. However, expert-based information is inherently subjective and thus pr... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2022 |