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Autoria: BARBOSA, C. F.; ALCANTARA, P. H. R. de; SOUSA, E. R. de; SANTOS, D.; MAGALHÃES, M.; CAMARGO, F. P.; FRAGOSO, D. de B. In Pium, Tocantins state, Brazil, in 2012 Embrapa developed a technology transference project in partnership with the state?s rural extension service for the consolidation of low carbon emissions agri... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, L. O. F. de; NOGUEIRA, E.; GRI, A. L. da S.; SILVA, J. C. B.; RODRIGUES, W. B.; ABREU, U. G. P. de The objective of the study was to evaluate, by system simulations, the cost-benefit of FTAI use in three different scenarios in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul: Conventional Ranch (P1), Conventiona... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, I. A. P.; MUNIZ, L. C.; REGO, C. A. R. de M.; CANTANHÊNDE, I. S. de L.; COSTA, J. B.; LÓPEZ DE HERRERA, J.; SOUZA, R. A.; REIS, V. R. R.; MARQUES, E. de O.; BRASIL, E. P.; GARCIA, U. S. Aims: Aim was to analyze the economic viability of an integrated crop-livestock-forest (ICLF) system area, in the municipality of Pindaré-Mirim, State of Maranhão, Brazil, using the consortium of maiz... ... |
Autoria: MICHETTI, M.; KAMOI, M. Y. T.; OZAKI, P. M.; REIS, J. C. dos; NASCIMENTO, M. C.; BARBOSA, N. F. PT-BR: Os sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária são capazes de integrar em uma mesma área pastagens, grãos e floresta. Ainda que estes sejam uma alternativa interessante, pouco se sabe sobre su... ... |
Autoria: CALVANO, M. P. C. A.; BRUMATTI, R. C.; GARCIA, M. V.; BARROS, J. C.; ANDREOTTI, R. The cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus causes significant economic losses to cattle production systems and is a main barrier to the introduction of Bos taurus breeds and their crosses in Brazil. Thes... ... |
Autoria: VILLAFUERTE, S. G. E.; NEVES, A. P.; COSTA, J. A. A. da; REIS, F. A.; CATTO, J. B.; FEIJO, G. L. D. The economic evaluation of the sheep industry is important to help decision making by the producer in order to choose the most accurate lambs termination system in the Midwest region of Brazil. This s... ... |
Autoria: NICOLI, C. M. L.; PACHECO, A. R.; REIS, C. F.; VENTUROLI, F. Sustainability on farms is a challenge to competitiveness in the globalized market. In this scenario, due to the strong environmental, economic and social appeal, crop-livestock-forest integration sys... ... |
Autoria: DUARTE, J. de O.; SANTOS, C. M.; NOCE, M. A.; MIRANDA, R. A. de; ALVARENGA, R. C.; SANTANA, D. P. The objective of this work is to make an analysis of the environmental, social and economic impacts of the ILPF Strategy for agriculture in the central region of Minas Gerais and neighboring areas. Th... ... |
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