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Autoria: TIRONI, S. P.; GALON, L.; SILVA, A. A.; BARBOSA, M. H. P.; SILVA, A. F. da; FERREIRA, E. A. Weed management in sugarcane fields must be performed rationally, taking into consideration the competitive ability of cultivars and weeds, to allow for reductions in control costs and herbicide use.... ... |
Autoria: GALON, L.; CAVALETTI, D. C.; GIACOMINI, J. P.; SILVA, A. F. da; BAGNARA, M. A. M.; TONI, J. R.; BRANDLER, D.; PERIN, G. F. ABSTRACT - The interference caused by volunteer plants dispersed after harvest can cause economic losses to growers. This work aims to identify the competitive ability and the economic threshold level... ... |
Autoria: HAYASHIDA, R.; GODOY, C. V.; HOBACK, W. W.; BUENO, A. de F.
Autoria: ASSUNÇÃO, P. E. V.; WANDER, A. E. The co-integration techniques have been widely used in studies that examine the process of integration of product markets. In this study, we sought to confirm the analysis of the bean market with thre... ... |
Autoria: BUENO, A. de F.; PANIZZI, A. R.; HUNT, T. E.; DOURADO, P. M.; PITTA, R. M.; GONÇALVES, J. Soybean is considered one of today?s most important crops. Planted on millions of hectares worldwide, the management of soybean pests usually requires large amounts of chemicals. However, a key compon... ... |
Autoria: RAMOS, P. V. B.; SILVA, L. O. C. da; PEREZ, B. da C.; TORRES JUNIOR, R. A. de A.; MENEZES, G. R. de O.; ALVARENGA, L. C.; TORRES FILHO, R. de A.; DUARTE, M. de S.; SILVA, F. F. e
Autoria: ASSUNÇÃO, P. E. V.; WANDER, A. E. This paper aimed to evaluate the presence of transaction costs in the beans market in Brazil. Therefore, threshold autoregressive (TAR) models were used to check cointegration and the existence of tra... ... |
Autoria: PAIXÃO, J. L. de F.; PRATA, M. C. de A.; FURLONG, J.; TASSINARI, W. de S.; BITTENCOURT, V. R. E. P.; ANGELO, I. da C. The present study aimed to verify the degree of correlation between the modified Gordon & Whitlock (GW) and Centrifugal Fluctuation (CF) techniques in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal endoparasites i... ... |
Autoria: CUNHA, C. A. da; SCALCO, P. R.; WANDER, A. E. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento da base, que é a diferença entre o preço do milho de Rio Verde, GO, e o preço futuro do milho na BM&FBovespa de 3/1/2005 até 15/3/2011. Por conse... ... |
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