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Autoria: MANETA, M. P.; TORRES, M. O.; WALLENDER, W. W.; VOSTI, S.; HOWITT, R.; RODRIGUES, L. N.; BASSOI, L. H.; PANDAY. S. In this paper a high-resolution linked hydroeconomic model is demonstrated for drought conditions in a Brazilian river basin. The economic model of agriculture includes 13 decision variables that can... ... |
Autoria: SZMRECSÁNYI, T.; RAMOS, P.; RAMOS FILHO, L. O.; VEIGA FILHO, A. de A. São apresentadas algumas sugestões visando orientar eventuais políticas e medidas de regulação que possam minimizar os sérios problemas econômicos, ambientais e os consideráveis custos sociais polític... ... |
Autoria: MELLO, L. M. R. de; GARAGORRY, F. L.; CHAIB FILHO, H. Viticulture is an activitv which creates employment and is adequate to provi de economic and social sustainabilitv to small family-based farms. |
Autoria: FERRO, D. D. X.; FONSECA, M. E. N.; BOITEUX, L. S. The main objective of the present work was to identify novel and robust RAPD and/or SCAR markers linked to Ty-1 that would be suitable for employment in distinct assisted selection programs. |
Autoria: CHAMILETE, S. A. M.; FURTADO, A. J.; ALVES, T. C.; BERNDT, A.; NASSU, R. T. Dairy farming in Brazil involves over a million producers and generates employment in various chain sectors. Brazilian production systems are heterogeneous, requiring a more in-depth analysis of the e... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, J. D. L. da; SILVA, K. J. D. e; ROCHA, M. de M.; MENEZES JUNIOR, J. A. de; RIBEIRO, V. Q. Cowpea bean is a socioeconomically important legume that contribute to generate employment and income. This species presents great grain variability, and the commercial subclass black eye stands out a... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, K. E.; PEREIRA, V. da F.; GERUM, A. F. A. de A. The promotion of sustained economic growth and the generation of decent work, central points of SDG 8, are directly related. Economic growth occurs due to an increase in the total volume of goods and... ... |
Autoria: MARTINS, M. do P. S. C.; LOPES, A. F. de S.; JEAN, A.; SILVA, K. J. D. e; MARTINS, M. do C. de C. e; ROCHA, M. de M. Cowpea crops have high socioeconomic importance in the Northeast region of Brazil. These crops generate employment and income; in addition, it is an excellent source of protein, minerals, vitamins, an... ... |
Autoria: SÖLKNER, J.; PEREZ O'BRIEN, A. M.; HÖLLER, D.; BOISON, S. A.; MILANESI, M.; BOMBA, L.; UTSUNOMIYA, Y. T.; CARVALHEIRO, R.; NEVES, H. H. R.; SILVA, M. V. G. B.; VAN TASSEL, C. P.; SOSTENGARD, T. S.; MÉSZÁROS, G.; AJMONE-MARSAN, P.; GARCIA, J. F. The beef industry is a major employment industry in Brazil and the country is currently the world’s third largest exporter of beef. From the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, thousands of zebus were importe... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, D. T. de; MAGALHÃES, L. A.; CASTRO, G. S. A. RESUMO: O estudo investiga os efeitos do crédito rural, salário e emprego da agropecuária sobre o PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) do setor em uma perspectiva regional no Brasil para o período 2013-2017. E... ... |
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