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Autoria: REISSER JUNIOR, C.; SOARES, I. P.; STEINMETZ, R. L. R.; GONCALVES, S. B. In this chapter, several processes developed by Embrapa for the conversion of biomass, cultivated or from waste, into energy will be presented, as well as photovoltaic and wind energy applications imp... ... |
Autoria: OTENIO, M. H.; LEITAO, R. C.; GAMBETTA, R.; KUNZ, A. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are an effective way of directing the efforts of nations towards reducing social differences in Brazil and in the world while seeking ways to contribute to envi... ... |
Autoria: LAVIOLA, B. G.; ALVES, A. A.; ROCHA, A. A.; DRUMOND, M. A. Introduction; Brazilian potencial for biofuels production; The PNPB and raw materials currently used for biodisel production; Alternative feedstocks for biodiesel production; Challenges in making phys... ... |
Autoria: KUNZ, A.; OTENIO, M. H.; LEITAO, R. C.; GAMBETTA, R. This publication deals specifically with SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Among the targets proposed for this SDG, Emb... ... |
Autoria: BELLOTE, A. F. J.; ANDRADE, G. de C.; MOLINARI, H. B. C.; ROCHA, J. D.; SILVA, M. L. B. da; STEINMETZ, R. L. R.; FAVARO, S. P. This chapter is linked to target 7.2 of SDG 7: By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. This target seeks to provide cleaner energy through renewable ene... ... |
Autoria: GUARESCH, R. F.; SILVA, E. P. da; URQUIAGA, S.; ALVES, B. J. R.; BODDEY, R. M.; SARKIS, L. F.; JANTALIA, C. P. Assessment of energy efficiency (EE) enables the evaluation of the sustainability of agrosystems, as well as decision-making regarding reduction in production costs and environmental pollution and eve... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, H. P. dos; DALMAGO, G. A.; SANTI, A.; FONTANELI, R. S. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate soil management and crop rotation systems. The treatments consisted of four types of soil management: 1) no-tillage, 2) minimum tillage, 3) conven... ... |
Autoria: MIRANDA, C. H. B.; SATTLER, S.; PEDERSEN, J.; VOGEL, K. Biomass samples of the tropical grasses Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Staph, Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick, Brachiaria decumbens Staph, Panicum maximum Jacq., Pennistetum alopec... ... |
Autoria: ROCHA, A. dos S.; DAHER, R. F.; GRAVINA, G. de A.; PEREIRA, A. V.; RODRIGUES, E. V.; VIANA, A. P.; SILVA, V. Q. R. da; AMARAL JUNIOR, A. T. do; NOVO, A. A. C.; OLIVEIRA, M. L. F.; OLIVEIRA, E. da S. Elephant grass is a plant of tropical origin with high biomass-production potential that stands out today as an alternative energy source. The potential of its genotypes depends on the genotype × envi... ... |
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