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Autoria: CIPRIANI, H. N.; VIEIRA, A. H.; PASSOS, A. M. A. dos; MORAES, K. S.; ALMEIDA, A. L. C.; REIS, M. C. dos There are many possible arrangements of integrated crop-livestock-forest systems (iCLF). The distribution of trees deserves special attention since it is the component with the longest rotation. Besid... ... |
Autoria: GHINI, R.; MAC LEOD, R. E. de O.; TORRE NETO, A.; CARDOSO, D. C.; BETTIOL, W.; MORAIS, L. A. S. de; VIQUE, B. Abstract: Evaluation of impacts of high CO2 atmospheric concentration is strategically important for the development of adaptation measures and sustainable crop management. The objective of this study... ... |
Autoria: FERRAZ, H. G. M.; BADEL, J. L.; GUIMARÃES, L. M. da S.; REIS, B. P.; TÓTOLA, M. R.; GONCALVES, R. C.; ALFENAS, A. C. Bacterial leaf blight is a major disease of eucalypt, especially under nursery conditions. Different bacterial species have been associated with the disease in several countries, and despite its impor... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, C. E. da; GHINI, R. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of increased air‑CO2 concentration on plant growth and on leaf‑spot caused by Cylindrocladium candelabrum in Eucalyptus urophylla. Se... ... |
Autoria: PRADO, J. S. M.; LOURENÇÃO, A. L.; GUEDES, R. N. C.; PALLINI, A.; OLIVEIRA, J. A.; OLIVEIRA, M. G. A. Ingestion of proteinase inhibitors leads to hyperproduction of digestive proteinases, limiting the bioavailability of essential amino acids for protein synthesis, which affects insect growth and devel... ... |
Autoria: KUNAST, T. B. S.; WREGE, M. S.; QUEIROZ, D. L. de
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