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Autoria: BERTOL, T. M.; COLDEBELLA, A.; SANTOS FILHO, J. I. dos; GUIDONI, A. L. The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate prediction equations, based on measurements obtained on the slaughter line, for carcass classification according to the degree of exudation and t... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, I. F. de; SIMEONE, M. L. F.; SCHAFFERT, R. E.; CANUTO, K. M.; RIBEIRO, P. R. V.; SOUSA, S. M. de
Autoria: FRANCO, D. A. S.; ALMEIDA, S. D. B.; CERDEIRA, A. L.; DUKE, S. O.; MORAES, R. M.; LACERDA, A. L. S.; MATALLO, M. B. Resumo: Com o aumento da comercialização de culturas geneticamente modificadas (GM) resistentes ao glyphosate, é importante investigar a relação entre o uso desse herbicida e seus efeitos no crescimen... ... |
Autoria: DE CONTI, L.; CESCO, S.; MIMMO, T.; PII, Y.; VALENTINUZZI, F.; MELO, G. W. B. de; CERETTA, C. A.; TRENTIN, E.; MARQUES, A. C. R.; BRUNETTO, G. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is a plant species that can express mechanisms of tolerance to copper (Cu) toxicity. Therefore, the agronomical approach of intercropping system with ryegrass may represen... ... |
Autoria: DE CONTI, L.; CESCO, S.; MIMMO, T.; PII, Y.; VALENINUZZI, F.; MELO, G. W. B. de; CERETTA, C. A.; TRENTIN, E.; MARQUES, A. C. R.; BRUNETTO, G. Ryegrass (Lolium perenneL.) is a plant species that can express mechanisms of tolerance to copper (Cu)toxicity. Therefore, the agronomical approach of intercropping system with ryegrass may represent... ... |
Autoria: ABREU, E. F. M.; DALTRO, C. B.; NOGUEIRA, E. O. P. L.; ANDRADE, E. C.; ARAGAO, F. J. L. Papaya sticky disease ('meleira') was first observed in Brazil at the beginning of the 1980s. The disease is characterized by intense latex exudation from the fruit surface that becomes dark as it oxi... ... |
Autoria: GIROTO, A. S.; VALLE, S. F. do; GUIMARÃES, G. G. F.; WUYTS, N.; OHREM, B.; JABLONOWSKI, N. D.; RIBEIRO, C.; MATTOSO, L. H. C. Agricultural output needs significant increases to feed the growing population. Fertilizers are essential for plant production systems, with nitrogen (N) being the most limiting nutrient for plant gro... ... |
Autoria: RIBEIRO, A. P.; VINECKY, F.; DUARTE, K. E.; SANTIAGO, T. R.; CASARI, R. A. das C. N.; HELL, A. F.; DIAS, B. B. A.; MARTINS, P. K.; CENTENO, D. da C.; OLIVEIRA, P. A. de; CANÇADO, G. M. de A.; MAGALHAES, J. V. de; KOBAYASHI, A. K.; SOUZA, W. R. de; MOLINARI, H. B. C. Abstract. Background: A major limiting factor for plant growth is the aluminum (Al) toxicity in acidic soils, especially in tropical regions. The exclusion of Al from the root apex through root exudat... ... |
Autoria: MOITINHO, M. A.; CHIARAMONTE, J. B.; SOLANO, J. H.; BONONI, L.; MELO, I. S. de; TAKETANI, R. G. Mangroves are dynamic and unique ecosystems which provide important ecological services to coastal areas. The phylloplane is one of the greatest microbial hosts and most of their microorganisms are un... ... |
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