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Autoria: MORELLO, C. de L.; SUASSUNA, N. D.; PEDROSA, M. B.; BARROSO, P. A. V.; SILVA FILHO, J. L. da; SUASSUNA, T. de M. F.; PERINA, F. J.; SOFIATTI, V.; MAGALHAES, F. O. da C.; LAMAS, F. M. Cultivar BRS 433FL B2RF is a high-quality fiber upland cotton with high lint yield potential and resistance to several diseases. The introgressed trans-genic events Bollgard II® and Roundup Ready Flex... ... |
Autoria: TEODORO, P. E.; FARIAS, F. J. C.; CARVALHO, L. P. de; RIBEIRO, L. P.; NASCIMENTO, M.; AZEVEDO, C. F.; CRUZ, C. D.; BHERING, L. L. The performance of textile processes and the quality of the products depends on the several cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber quality traits, such as micronaire index, fiber length, and fiber stren... ... |
Autoria: COTRIM, M. F.; FARIAS, F. J. C.; CARVALHO, L. P. de; TEODORO, L. P. R.; BHERING, L. L.; TEODORO, P. E. Environmental stratification studies are important for the plant breeding, since they allow to adequately plan the experimental network. The objective of this work was to identify similar environments... ... |
Autoria: MORELLO, C. de L.; SUASSUNA, N. D.; SILVA FILHO, J. L. da; PERINA, F. J.; SOFIATTI, V.; MAGALHÃES, F. O. da C.; CARBONI, P. R.; ARAÚJO, G. P.; MORAIS, J. P. S.; LAMAS, F. M.; CHITARRA, L. G.; FARIAS, F. J. C.; GODINHO, V. de P. C. BRS 700FL B3RF is an extra-long staple (ELS) upland cotton cultivar. It features exceptional fiber quality, with fiber length exceeding 33.0 mm and fiber strength above 32.5 gf tex-1. This cultivar in... ... |
BRS 336: A high-quality fiber upland cotton cultivar for Brazilian savanna and semi-arid conditions. Autoria: MORELLO, C. de L.; PEDROSA, M. B.; SUASSUNA, N. D.; LAMAS, F. M.; CHITARRA, L. G.; SILVA FILHO, J. L. da; ANDRADE, F. P. de; BARROSO, P. A. V.; RIBEIRO, J. L.; GODINHO, V. de P. C.; LANZA, M. A. A cultivar BRS-336 possui alta qualidade de fibra de sequeiro e tem ampla adaptação às áreas de cultivo de algodão, com resistência ao crestamento bacteriano. A BRS 336 exibiu comprimento de fibra sup... ... |
Autoria: ZONTA, J. H.; BRANDAO, Z. N.; RODRIGUES, J. I. S.; BRAUN. H.; PEREIRA, A.; LOURENÇO, E. R. C.; SOFIATTI, V. The quality of cotton fibers in Brazil has been studied. This was done by studying the fiber samples obtained from bolls removed from the middle third of the plants. These fiber samples are referred t... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, C. P. F.; FERREIRA, C. F.; SOUZA, E. H.; SENA NETO, A. R.; MARCONCINI, J. M.; LEDO, C. A. S.; SOUZA, F. V. D. Interest in biodegradable products such as natural fibers for use in various industries is growing. These fibers are an inexpensive alternative with environmentally friendly appeal in comparison to ot... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, J. M.; LIMA, P. R. L.; SOUZA, F. V. D.; LEDO, C. A. da S.; SOUZA, E. H.; PESTANA, K. N.; FERREIRA, C. F. Due to the increasing search for renewable resources, plant fibers have become an alternative when creating new products. Studies demonstrate the potential use of pineapple fibers in composites. The o... ... |
Autoria: CORDÃO SOBRINHO, F. P.; GUERRA, H. O. C.; ARAÚJO, W. P.; PEREIRA, J. R.; ZONTA, J. H.; BEZERRA, J. R. C. Aiming to evaluate the effect of irrigation depths on fiber quality of upland cotton, an experiment was conducted from July to December 2010 in Barbalha-CE, Brazil. The treatments consisted of a facto... ... |
Autoria: LACAPE, J.- M.; LLEWELLYN, D.; JACOBS, J.; ARIOLI, T.; BECKER, D.; CALHOUN, S.; AL-GHAZI, Y.; LIU, S.; PALAI, O.; GEORGES, S.; GIBAND, M.; ASSUNÇÃO, H. de; BARROSO, P. A. V.; CLAVERIE, M.; GAWRYZIAK, G.; JEAN, J.; VIALLE, M.; VIOT, C. Background: Cotton fibers (produced by Gossypium species) are the premier natural fibers for textile production. The two tetraploid species, G. barbadense (Gb) and G. hirsutum (Gh), differ significant... ... |
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