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Autoria: SILVA, L. F. da; GUERRA, C. C.; FORESTI, A.; BERGOLD, A. M. Quantification of bioactive phenols, like stilbenes and flavonols (SaF), has been conducted to evaluate the nutraceutical potential of red wines. However, there is still a lack of full validated, fast... ... |
Autoria: DOURADO, C. P.; KAMIKAWACHI, R. C.; FERREIRA, M. J. P.; SARTORI, A. L. B.; RODRIGUES, C. M.; SPADARI, C. de C.; ISHIDA, K.; SANNOMIYA, M. The objective of this study was, therefore, to conduct a chemical analysis and assess the biological potential of the hydroethanolic extract obtained from the leaves of Machaerium villosum. Thus, this... ... |
Autoria: VILAS BOAS, A. C.; NASSUR, R. de C. M. R.; HENRIQUE, P. de C.; PEREIRA, G. E.; LIMA, L. C. de O. Wines are known for its high content of bioactive compounds that can be influenced by the region and climate where the grapes are produced. New regions of production are normally developed using techn... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, J. B. de; EGIPTO, R.; LAUREANO, O.; CASTRO, R. de; PEREIRA, G. E.; RICARDO-DA-SILVA, J. M. Over the years, viticulture has expanded to new regions outside the temperate zones, such as Northeast Brazil, India, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Venezuela, characterized by the product... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, J. B. de; EGIPTO, R.; LAUREANO, O.; CASTRO, R. de; PEREIRA, G. E.; RICARDO-DA-SILVA, J. M. The major areas of the world where viticulture is practiced enjoy temperate or cool temperature climates. When wine grapes are grown in tropical regions, edaphoclimatic factors result in distinct grap... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, L. L. A.; PEREIRA, G. E.; ANDRADE, S. A. C.; GUERRA, N. B. Young varietal and experimental wines from Vitis vinifera - Petit Verdot,Tempranillo and Syrah - cultivated in a tropical semiarid region (Northeast Brazil) were evaluated with regard to their phenoli... ... |
Autoria: DA SILVA, M. J. R.; PADILHA, C. V. da S.; LIMA, M. dos S.; PEREIRA, G. E.; VENTURINI FILHO, W. G.; MOURA, M. F.; TECCHIO, M. A. The objective of this study was to assess the content of bioactive compounds, organic acids and antioxidantcapacity of grape juices from Isabel Precoce, BRS Carmem, BRS Cora and IAC 138-22 Máximo vari... ... |
Autoria: TAVARES, I. M. de C.; CASTILHOS, M. B. M. de; MAURO, M. A.; RAMOS, A. M.; SOUZA, R. T. de; GÓMEZ-ALONSO, S.; GOMES, E.; DA-SILVA, R.; HERMOSÍN-GUTIÉRREZ, I.; LAGO-VANZELA, E. S. The BRS Violeta grape presents pulp and skin with high content of phenolic compounds (PCs) and intensepurplish color. It was used as raw material for the production of juice and dehydrated products us... ... |
Autoria: OLIVATI, C.; NISHIYAMA, Y. P. de O.; SOUZA, R. T. de; JANZANTTI, N. S.; MAURO, M. A.; GOMES, E.; HERMOSÍN-GUTIÉRREZ, I.; SILVA, R. da; LAGO-VANZELA The grape is an important fruit regarding economic and health benefit parameters, because of its large consumption around the world and their bioactive phenolic compounds. The drying process of BRS Mo... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, A.; OLIVEIRA, T.; MATTIETTO, R. de A.; NASCIMENTO, W. M. O. do; LOPES, A. Our objective in this work was to evaluate the contents of the major bioactive compounds in the peel of three genotypes of camu camu at different maturity stages. The genotypes had high concentration... ... |
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