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Autoria: FREITAS, J. V. de; PINHO, G. S. C. de; LEÃO, R. A.; MESQUITA JUNIOR, H. N. de; BRENA, D. A.; MATTOS, P. P. de; OLIVEIRA, Y. M. M. de Historical Overview of National Forest Inventories in Brazil; Terms and definitions relevant to the National Forest Inventory; Sampling design; Samplng unit design; Forest area, biomass and volume est... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, M. N. dos; PINAGÉ, E. R.; LONGO, M.; ARAUJO, L. S. de; ADAMI, M.; MORTON, D.; KELLER, M. Forest fragmentation divides forest areas into smaller discontinuous fragments, increasing the forest edge area that experiences different environmental conditions from interior areas [1]. According t... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'.; GUARINO, E. de S. G.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. de; RIBAS, L. A.; ACUNÃ, M. A. The western Amazon supports the largest formation of neotropical bamboo forests. This forest ecosystem is neglected due to its low commercial timber volume and fragile forest structure that amplifies... ... |
Autoria: CAMPOS, D. T. S.; STIEVEN, A. C.; WRUCK, F. J. The objective was to evaluate the microbial biomass carbon (MBC) dynamics in different managements: Crop-Livestock-Forest integration systems, soybean/pasture rotation and native forest, in Brazilian... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, E. F. da; SILVA, G. F. da; FIGUEIREDO, E. O.; MENDONÇA, A. R. de; SANTANA, C. J. de O.; FIEDLER, N. C.; SILVA, J. P. M.; AGUIAR, M. O.; SANTOS, J. S. In Amazonian native forest management, forest road infrastructures, such as log storage yards and skid trails, arethe most expensive attributes and are responsible for the significant environmental im... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'; MILLER, R. P.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. de; BRAZ, E. M.; THAINES, F.; JANUÁRIO, J. L.; ACUÑA, M. H. A. Although forest management with reduced impact logging (RIL) practices is regarded as a way to generate in- come from tropical forests without losing their overall conservation values, the behavior of... ... |
Autoria: FERNANDES-CARVALHO-DE-ANDRADE, D.; RUSCHEL, A. R.; SCHWARTZ, G.; PEREIRA-DE-CARVALHO, J. O.; VASCONCELLOS-GAMA, J. R. Aim of study: To assess structure, recruitment and mortality rates of tree species over almost three decades, 14 years before and 15 years after a forest fire. Materials and methods: All trees ≥... ... |
Autoria: FARINACI, J. S.; RUSEVA, T. B.; TUCKER, C. M.; EVANS, T. P.; BATISTELLA, M. Forest systems play a crucial role in biogeochemical cycling and provide a variety of ecosystem services at multiple scales. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the dynamics of tropic... ... |
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