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Autoria: MAYNARD, D. S.; BIALIC-MURPHY, L.; ZOHNER, C. M.; AVERILL, C.; VAN DEN HOOGEN, J.; MA, H.; MO, L.; SMITH, G. R.; ACOSTA, A. T. R.; AUBIN, I.; BERENGUER, E.; BOONMAN, C. C. F.; CATFORD, J. A.; CERABOLINI, B. E. L.; DIAS, A. S.; GONZÁLEZ-MELO, A.; HIETZ, P.; LUSK, C. H.; MORI, A. S.; NIINEMETS, Ü.; PILLAR, V. D.; PINHO, B. X.; ROSELL, J. A.; SCHURR, F. M.; SHEREMETEV, S. N.; SILVA, A. C. da; SOSINSKI JUNIOR, E. E.; VAN BODEGOM, P. M.; WEIHER, E.; BÖNISCH, G.; KATTGE, J.; CROWTHER, T. W. Due to massive energetic investments in woody support structures, trees are subject to unique physiological, mechanical, and ecological pressures not experienced by herbaceous plants. Despite a wealth... ... |
Autoria: FARIAS, L. A. A. de; DANTAS, B. F. Global efforts to restore ecosystems have increased the demand for seeds of native species, both from tree-shrub and herbaceous strata. However, little is known about seed ecology or germination of ma... ... |
Autoria: JARDIM, J.; SAHANA, G.; QUIRINO, C.; PEIXOTO, M. G. C. D.; SANTOS, G. G. dos; LUND, M.
Autoria: FORTES, S. L. K.; GONÇALVES, J. F. de C.; COSTA, K. C. P. da; LOPES, J. de S.; FERREIRA, M. J.; LIMA, R. M. B. de; NINA JUNIOR, A. da R. The most severe drought of this century in the Amazon rainforest, which was caused by El Niño, occurred from 2015 to 2016. With a focus on the ecophysiology of the regrowth of the Brazil nut tree, Ber... ... |
Autoria: BRUSCADIN, J. J.; CARDOSO, T. F.; DINIZ, W. J. da S.; SOUZA, M. M. de; AFONSO, J.; VIEIRA, D.; MALHEIROS, J. M.; ANDRADE, B. G. N.; PETRINI, J.; FERRAZ, J. B. S.; ZERLOTINI NETO, A.; MOURÃO, G. B.; COUTINHO, L. L.; REGITANO, L. C. de A. Abstract: Traditional transcriptomics approaches have been used to identify candidate genes affecting economically important livestock traits. Regulatory variants affecting these traits, however, rema... ... |
Autoria: GANAULT, P.; RISTOK, C.; PHILLIPS, H. R. P.; HEDDE, M.; CAPOWIEZ, Y.; BOTTINELLI, N.; DECAËNS, T.; MARCHAN, D.; GÉRARD, S.; MATHIEU, J.; POTAPOV, A.; CAMERON, E. K.; BROWN, G. G.; BARTZ, M.; ZEISS, R.; ZI, Y.; TSIAFOULI, M.; RUSSELL, D. J.; GUERRA, C.; EISENHAUER, N. Recent research on earthworms has shed light on their global distribution, with high alpha richness in temperate zones and high beta diversity in tropical areas. Climate and agricultural practices, no... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, S. A.; NICODEMO, M. L. F.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; MARCONDELLI, A. C. B.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; MOURA, L. Aboveground litter quality has an important function in enhancing soil quality by transferring organic matter and nutrients to the soil, which in turn may affect nutrient cycling. |
Autoria: BIGHI, K. N.; PAULA, R. R.; CALDEIRA, M. V. W.; BURAK, D. L.; MENDONÇA, E. de S.; SOUZA, P. H. de; DELARMELINA, W. M.; BALIEIRO, F. de C. We investigated the nitrogen pools in monocultures of legume species widely used in reforestation in Brazil that have contrasting growth and nitrogen acquisition strategies. The plantations were estab... ... |
Autoria: KERN, E. L.; COBUCI, J. A.; COSTA, C. N.; DUCROCQ, V. ABSTRACT: Longevity is an important trait due to its relationship with profitability. Type traits have been used as indirect predictors for productive life. The objective of this study was to evaluate... ... |
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