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Autoria: SILVA, R. de O.; BARIONI, L. G.; ALBERTINI, T. Z.; EORY, V.; TOPP, C. F. E.; FERNANDES, F. A.; MORAN, D. Brazil is one of the first major developing countries to commit to a national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions target that requires a reduction of between 36.1% and 38.9% relative to baseline emissions... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; BERNDT, A.; PEDROSO, A. de F.; ALVES, T. C.; LEMES, A. P.; OLIVEIRA, B. A.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M. Brazilian cattle production is mostly carried out in pastures and the need to reduce the sector's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and its overall environmental footprint has become a priority. |
Autoria: SANTOS, J. C. dos; SENA, A. L. dos S.; MOREIRA, J. M. M. A. P.; BARIONI, L. G.; DIAS, F. R. T.; COSTA, F. P.; FASIABEN, M. do C. R. Global warming resultant from rising in greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) to atmosphere on the last decades leads the mankind to enrich their knowledge about the relationship between the productive activ... ... |
Autoria: SIGNOR, D.; MEDEIROS, T. A. F.; MORAES, S. A. de; CORREA, L. C.; TOMAZI, M.; MOURA, M. S. B. de; DEON, M. D. I. In the climate change scenario, studying greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and measures of mitigation in the Caatinga biome are strategic and may provide a basis for mitigation plans. This study aimed... ... |
Autoria: MORAIS, R. K. O. de; SILVA, A. M. de A.; BEZERRA, L. R.; CARNEIRO, H.; MOREIRA, M. N.; MEDEIROS, F. F. de This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro degradation and total gas production of different oil seed press cakes from a biodiesel production chain gas through the use of a semi-automatic technique of... ... |
Autoria: ABREU, U. G. P. de; DIAS, F. R. T.; BARIONI, L. G.; FASIABEN, M. do C. R.; LAMPERT, V. do N.; COSTA, F. P.; MOREIRA, J. M. M. A. P.; GOMES, E. G. Cattle raising is carried out in around 75% of Brazilian agricultural properties. The importance of beef cattle production in Brazil is evidenced by its share in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In 2... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, L. S.; BEZERRA, L. R.; SILVA, A. M. de A.; CARNEIRO, H.; MOREIRA, M. N.; OLIVEIRA, R. L. This study was realized to evaluate the production of gas and volatile fatty acids when glycerin was used to replace four forage species through the use of a semi-automated technique in vitro. The exp... ... |
Autoria: DE FIGUEIREDO, E. B.; JAYASUNDARA, S.; RONQUIM, C. C.; BORDONAL, R. DE O.; BERCHIELLI, T. T.; REIS, R. A.; WAGNER-RIDDLE, C.; LA SCALA JUNIOR, N. This study estimates the GHG balance (emissions and sinks) related to the beef cattle production in three contrasting production scenarios on Brachiaria pasture in Brazil: 1) Degraded pasture (DP), 2)... ... |
Autoria: SOLORZANO, L. A. R.; MARINO, C. T.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.; BERNDT, A.; PINEDO, L. A.; FRIGHETTO, R. T. S.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; PRAES, M. F. F. M. Abstract: Ruminant animals have a great advantage over simple-stomached animals, as their digestive process is able to release the energy contained in cellulosic material through carbohydrate fermenta... ... |
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