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Autoria: CHAGAS, A. C. de S.; MOLENTO, M. B. Brazil has a large territory and it can be assumed that the production of small ruminants is still small, since there is importation of meat and dairy products from other countries. It is necessary to... ... |
Autoria: COUTINHO, R. M. A.; ANDRADE JÚNIOR, F. de; SILVA, F. C.; BENVENUTI, C. L.; VIEIRA, L. da S.; ZAROS, L. G. The aim of this study was to identify the species of nematodes from abomasum and small intestine of F2 crossbred goats (½Anglo-Nubian x ½ Saanen) naturally infected. Sixty young goats were kept togeth... ... |
Autoria: ZAROS, L. G.; COUTINHO, L. L.; SIDER, L. H.; MEDEIROS, H. R. de; NEVES, M. R. M. das; BENVENUTI, C. L.; NAVARRO, A. M. do C.; VIEIRA, L. da S. Abstract: Precise normalization with reference genes is necessary, in order to obtain reliable relative expression data in response to gastrointestinal nematode infection. By using sheep from temperat... ... |
Autoria: NEVES, A. P.; CATTO, J. B.; VILLAFUERTE, S. G. E.; COSTA, J. A. A. da; FEIJO, G. L. D.; REIS, F. A.
Autoria: MARANGUAPE, J. S.; POMPEU, R. C. F. F.; VIEIRA, L. da S.; SOUZA, H. A. de; OLIVEIRA, E. L. de; SOUSA, A. M. P.; COSTA, C. dos S.; SANTOS, M. A. dos; PEREIRA, P. L.; SALLES, H. O. Abstract: Gastrointestinal parasitism is one of the factors that discourages farmers from raising small ruminants in cultivated pastures. To validate a soil treatment strategy to control the free-livi... ... |
Autoria: ANDRÉ, W. P. P.; PAIVA JUNIOR, J. R. de; CAVALCANTE, G. S.; RIBEIRO, W. L. C.; ARAÚJO FILHO, J. V. de; SANTOS, J. M. L. dos; ALVES, A. P. N. N.; MONTEIRO, J. P.; MORAIS, S. M. de; SILVA, I. N. G. da; OLIVEIRA, L. M. B. de; ABREU, F. O. M. da S.; BEVILAQUA, C. M. L. Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of carvacryl acetate (CVA) and nanoencapsulated CVA (nCVA) on gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep. The CVA was nanoencapsulated with... ... |
Autoria: MARANGUAPE, J. S.; POMPEU, R. C. F. F.; VIEIRA, L. da S.; SOUZA, H. A. de; OLIVEIRA, E. L. de; SOUSA, A. M. P.; COSTA, C. dos S.; SANTOS, M. A. dos; PEREIRA, P. L.; SALLES, H. O. Abstract: Gastrointestinal parasitism is one of the factors that discourages farmers from raising small ruminants in cultivated pastures. To validate a soil treatment strategy to control the free-livi... ... |
Autoria: CHAGAS, A. C. de S.; FAVERO, F. C.; GIGLIOTI, R.; BOGNI, S. C.; BERALDO, M. C. D.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; ESTEVES, S. N.; OLIVEIRA, M. C. de S.
Autoria: BRESSANI, F. A.; TIZIOTO, P. C.; GIGLIOTI, R.; MEIRELLHES, S. L. C.; COUTINHO, R.; BENVENUTI, C. L.; MALAGO JUNIOR, W.; MUDADU, M. de A.; VIEIRA, L. C.; ZAROS, L. G.; CARRILHO, E.; REGITANO, L. C. de A. Cytokines are small cell-signaling proteins that play an important role in the immune system, participating in intracellular communication. Four candidate genes of the cytokine family (IL2, IL4, IL13,... ... |
Autoria: OLIVEIRA, M. C. de S.; ALENCAR, M. M. de; CHAGAS, A. C. de S.; GIGLIOTI, R.; OLIVEIRA, H. N. Resistance to natural infection by gastrointestinal nematodes was compared in 67 female calves of the following genetic groups: Nelore (NX); 1/2 Senepol + 1/2 Nelore (SN); and 1/2 Aberdeen Angus + 1/2... ... |
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