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Autoria: LIMA, R. B. de; RUTISHAUSER, E.; SILVA, J. A. A. da; GUEDES, M. C.; HERAULT, B.; OLIVEIRA, C. P. de; APARÍCIO, P. da S.; SOTTA, E. D.; SILVA, D. A. S. da; FERREIRA, R. L. C. Accurate estimates of commercial volume in tropical forests are key for the implementation of sustainable forest management plans. Because of the lack of local or generic volumetric equations, most fo... ... |
Autoria: ABRANTES, K. K. B.; PAIVA, L. M.; ALMEIDA, R. G. de; URBANO, E.; FERREIRA, A. D.; MUZUCHELI, J. The aim of this study was to model the individual height and volume of eucalyptus wood in two integrated crop-livestock-forest systems (ICLF1 and ICLF2) in Campo Grande, a city in the state of Mato Gr... ... |
Autoria: DELGADO, J. P. M.; CUNHA, R. N. V. da; MORAIS, R. R. de; LOPES, M. T. G.; FERREYRA RAMOS, S. L.; RODRIGUES, M. do R. L.; MEDEIROS, N. M. C. de; MENESES, C. H. S. G.; SILVA, E. B. da; LOPES, R. Two Amazonian species of açaí palm trees (Euterpe oleracea and Euterpe precatoria) are exploited in the commercial production of açaí pulp or juice. While E. oleracea benefits from developed cultivati... ... |
Autoria: BOENO, L. C. R. de S.; SILVA, A. C. da; SILVA, K. N. C.; BOUVIÉ, L.; BORELLA, D. R.; BALDONI, A. B. Biometry of seedlings of Bertholletia excelsa in different growth conditions Boeno LC1, Silva AC1, Silva KNC1, Bouvié L2, Borella DR2, Baldoni AB3. 1Institute of Agrarian and Environmental Sciences, F... ... |
Autoria: BERTOL, T. M.; COLDEBELLA, A.; SANTOS FILHO, J. I. dos; GUIDONI, A. L. The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate prediction equations, based on measurements obtained on the slaughter line, for carcass classification according to the degree of exudation and t... ... |
Autoria: MIRANDA, S. DO C. DE; BUSTAMANTE, M.; PALACE, M.; HAGEN, S.; KELLER, M.; FERREIRA, L. G. The Cerrado, the savanna biome in central Brazil, mostly comprised of woodland savanna, is experiencing intense and fast land use changes. To understand the changes in Cerrado carbon stocks, we presen... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. da S. e; ALVES, E. R. de A.; GAZZOLA, R.; MARRA, R. Um modelo de equilíbrio parcial para o mercado brasileiro de carnes é ajustado por meio de mínimos quadrados em três estágios. O modelo mostra-se consistente com as observações e pode ser usado para s... ... |
Autoria: TESHOME, M.; TORRES, C. M. M. E.; SILESHI, G. W.; MATTOS, P. P. de; BRAZ, E. M.; TEMESGEN, H.; ROCHA, S. J. S. S. da; ALEBACHEW, M. ABSTRACT. Volume and biomass equations are essential tools to determine forest productivity and enable forest managers to make informed ecisions. However, volume and biomass estimation equations are s... ... |
Autoria: BIASE, A. G.; DIAS, C. T. dos S.; BARIONI, L. G.; ALBERTINI, T. Z.; MARTORANO, L. G.; OLTJEN, J. W.; LANNA, D. P. D.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; MEDEIROS, S. R. de; TORRES JUNIOR, R. A. de A. The system of differential equations proposed by Oltjen et al. [1986, named Davis Growth Model (DGM)] to represent cattle growth has been parameterized with data from Bos taurus (British) and Bos indi... ... |
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