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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, A. C. B. de; PEREIRA, A. A.; SILVA, F. L. da; REZENDE, J. C. de; BOTELHO, C. E.; CARVALHO, G. R. Gains from selection for yield were estimated in Arabica coffee progenies carrying rust-resistance genes. The experiment in augmented block design was installed in Três Pontas, state of Minas Gerais.... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, G. F.; SHIOTSUKI, L.; DIAS, L. T.; TEIXEIRA, R. A. The goal of this study was to determine the genetic parameters for growth traits in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fish of similar age and weight. The data set included monthly measurements of body w... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, T. P. da; VIDAL NETO, F. das C.; DOVALE, J. C. The objective of this work was to predict the genetic gains with selection of superior individuals within papaya (Carica papaya) progenies using the REML/Blup analysis. Thirty-six S2 progenies, origin... ... |
Autoria: BENITES, F. R. G.; PINTO, C. A. B. P. Practically all potato cultivars grown in Brazil are native to Europe and not fully adapted to the tropical conditions. The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic gains of three cycles of r... ... |
Autoria: LEAO, P. C. de S.; NUNES, B. T. G.; SOUZA, E. M. C. de Table grape stands out among the main fruit-bearing plants of irrigated agriculture in the São Francisco Valley region of Brazil. This study estimated repeatability and heritability co-efficients and... ... |
Autoria: DALAZEN, J. R.; ROCHA, R. B.; OLIOSI, G.; ARAÚJO, L. F. B. de; ESPINDULA, M. C.; RODRIGUES, W. P.; PARTELLI, F. L. Plant breeding of Coffea canephora is based on the characterization and use of the natural genetic variability of the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to quantify the genetic diversity a... ... |
Autoria: MAIA, M. C. C.; ALMEIDA, A. da S.; MACEDO, L. M.; RESENDE, M. D. V. de; LACERDA, M. N. de; VASCONCELOS, L. F. L.; OLIVEIRA, L. C. de; SILVA, R. B. da Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os coeficientes de herdabilidade e repetibilidade das variáveis agrotecnológicas e predizer os ganhos genéticos de uma população de melhoramento de cajuí... ... |
Autoria: AGUIAR, A. V. de; SOUZA, T. da S.; DELAZARI, L.; SILVA, D. M. C. da; SOUSA, V. A. de
Autoria: FACCHINELLO, P. H. K.; CARVALHO, I. R.; STRECK, E. A.; AGUIAR, G. A.; GOVEIA, J.; FEIJÓ, M.; PEREIRA, R. R.; OLIVEIRA, V. F. de; FAGUNDES, P. R. R.; MAIA, L. C. da; LAUTENCHLEGER, F.; MAGALHAES JUNIOR, A. M. de ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to analyze components of variances and heritabilities, estimate selection gain, and evaluate the different selection pressures for physical quality attributes... ... |
Autoria: PORCIÚNCULA, J. A. da; ALVES, A. A. C.; M. JÚNIOR, C. T. M.; SOUSA, D. R. de; SILVA, M. S. da; LOBO, R. N. B.
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