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Autoria: VIANNA, L. F. DE N.; PANDOLFO, C.; TONIETTO, J.; SILVA, E. B. DA La construction d'une Indication Géographique permet d?obtenir le registre de sa propriété intellectuelle. Pour cela, on aura besoin de choisir le type, le nom géographique, d'établir le cahier des ch... ... |
Autoria: BAQUETA, M. R.; MARINI, F.; ROCHA, R. B.; VALDERRAMA, P.; PALLONE, J. A. L. New Brazilian Canephora coffees (Conilon and Robusta) of high added value from specific origins have been protected by geographical indication to guarantee their origin and quality. Recently, benchtop... ... |
Autoria: BAQUETA, M. R.; ALVES, E. A.; VALDERRAMA, P.; PALLONE, J. A. L. High-quality Brazilian Canephora coffees are rising to the level of specialty coffees in the face of a new industry perception. In this framework, spectra from 527 coffees were analyzed in the near-in... ... |
Autoria: LIMA, C. M. de; FERNANDES, D. D. S.; PEREIRA, G. E.; GOMES, A. de A.; ARAÚJO, M. C. U. de; DINIZ, P. H. G. D. This work proposes the development of a simple, fast, and inexpensive methodology based on color histograms (obtained from digital images), and supervised pattern recognition techniques to classify re... ... |
Autoria: MORAIS, S. DE M.; GALVÃO, M. DE S.; CARVALHO, L. M. DE; OLEGARIO, O. S.; PEREIRA, G. E.; ANDRADE LIMA, L. L. DE; SILVA, F. L. H. DA; MADRUGA, M. S. The present research aimed to identify the volatile profle of sparkling wines from São Francisco Valley, which products will have soon the Geographical Indication requested by the producers. Volatile... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, G. S. da; CANUTO, K. M.; RIBEIRO, P. R. V.; BRITO, E. S. de; NASCIMENTO, M. M.; ZOCOLO, G. J.; COUTINHO, J. P.; JESUS, R. M. de
Autoria: NOVAIS, C. B. de; BORGES, W. L.; JESUS, E. da C.; SAGGIN JUNIOR, O. J.; SIQUEIRA, J. O. For a single plant species under the same environmental conditions, the interaction with arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and their contribution to plant growth varies among AMF isolates, with bothin... ... |
Autoria: CUNHA, T. J. F.; RIBEIRO FILHO, M. R.; SA, I. B.; BRITO, M.; GIONGO, V.; TAURA, T. A. The goal of this edaphic zoning was to identify the areas with the greatest potential for grapevine growing, in the municipality of Santa Maria da Boa Vista, PE, and thus contribute with the geographi... ... |
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