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Autoria: SCHWEGLER, E.; ROSA, F. da; SILVA, A.; OLIVEIRA, E.; MONTAGNER, P.; WESCHENFELDER, M.; KRAUSE, A.; BRAUNER, C.; SCHMITT, E.; RABASSA, V.; SCHNEIDER, A.; XAVIER, E.; DEL PINO, F.; CORRÊA, M. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a excreção urinária de Ca durante o periparto em vacas leiteiras com diferentes níveis de tolerância à glicose durante o período de pré-parto. |
Autoria: MACHADO, R.; HERNANDEZ-FONSECA, H.; BRACKETT, B. G. Blastocyst (BL) expansion and blastocoel formation are coupled with increase in the glucose (GLU) metabolism, which is higher in morphologically normal than in degenerate embryos (Rieger et aI., 1992)... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, A. M. de; COPATTI, C. E.; CAMPECHE, D. F. B.; MELO, F. V. S. T. de; MELO, J. F. B. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pure glucose, glucose plus fructose, and fructose on the blood glucose of omnivorous fish tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), Nile tilapia (Oreoc... ... |
Autoria: MASCARIN, G. M.; IWANICKI, N. S.; RAMIREZ, J. L.; DELALIBERA JUNIOR, I.; DUNLAP, C. A. Abstract: Culturing the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, under high glucose concentrations coupled with high aeration results in a fungal developmental shift from hyphal growth to mostly b... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, N. O.; PASCHOALIN, R. T.; BILLATO, S.; SORIGOTTI, A. R.; FARINAS, C. S.; MATTOSO, L. H. C.; MACHADO, S. A. S.; OLIVEIRA JR, O. N.; RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, P. A. Abstract: We introduce a bifunctional architecture to construct biosensors on solution-blow spinning fiber mats of polylactic acid (PLA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). PLA/PEG mats acted as substrate... ... |
Autoria: MORANZA, H. G.; SCANAVACA JUNIOR, L.; MATAQUEIRO, M. I.; QUEIROZ-NETO, A. de; FERRAZ, G. C. Abstract: This study provides information about the effect of chronic ingestion of a decoction of Bauhinia forficata on the behavior of rats. The aim of this study was to investigate the exploratory a... ... |
Autoria: SIMEONE, M. L. F.; PARRELLA, R. A. C.; SCHAFFERT, R. E.; DAMASCENO, C. M. B.; LEAL, M. C. B.; PASQUINI, C. Sweet sorghumis a very robust cropwhich has the potential to be used in ethanol production due to its high fermentable sugar content present in its stem juice, very similar to sugarcane. Therefore, fo... ... |
Autoria: KAIPPERT, V. C.; UEHARA, S. K.; D'ANDREA, C. L.; NOGUEIRA, J.; LAGO, M. F. do; LOPES, M. C. O. dos S.; OLIVEIRA, E. M. M.; ROSADO, E. L. Introduction: Glucose metabolism may be altered in obesity and genotype for PPAR 2 can influence this variable. Objective: To evaluate the influence of body mass (BM) and visceral adiposity (VA) in gl... ... |
Autoria: HAILE, T.; CARDOSO, S. M.; RAPHAELLI, C. de O.; PEREIRA, O. R.; PEREIRA, E. dos S.; VIZZOTTO, M.; NORA, L.; ASFAW, A. A.; PERIASAMY, G.; KARIM, A. Thymus serrulatus, an endemic plant of Ethiopia, is traditionally used to cure various diseases and as a food ingredient. In the Ethiopian folk medicine, the decoction is orally taken as a remedy to t... ... |
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