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Autoria: KHALIL, M. I.; CORDOVIL, C. M. D. S.; FRANCAVIGLIA, R.; HENRY, B.; KLUMPP, K.; KONCZ, P.; LLORENTE, M.; MADARI, B. E.; MUÑOZ-ROJAS, M.; RAINER, N. 1. Related practices. 2. Description of the case study. 3. Context of the case study. 4. Possibility of scaling up. 5. Impact on soil organic carbon stocks. 6. Other benefits of the practice. 7. Poten... ... |
Autoria: SAVIAN, J. C.; SCHONS, R. M. T.; SCHNEIDER, E. A. N.; PENSO, J. F.; CAETANO, L. A. M.; MARCHI, D. E.; MEZZALIRA, J. C.; BERNDT, A.; BAYER, C.; Carvalho, P. C. F.
Autoria: SAVIAN, J. V.; CEZIMBRA, I. M.; S FILHO, W.; BONNET, O. J. F.; BARTH NETO, A.; SCHONS, R. M. T.; TISCHLER, M. R.; NUNES, P. A. A.; ALMEIDA, G. M.; ARAÚJO, B.; BARRO, R.; GENRO, T. C. M.; BERNDT, A.; BARIONI, L. G.; BAYER, C.; CARVALHO, P. C. de F. Ruminant livestock production is an expanding sector in Brazil and accounts for more than 70% of the national methane (CH4) emission. As most of the livestock is raised on pastures, grazing management... ... |
Autoria: TESK, C. R. M.; PEDREIRA, B. C. e; PEREIRA, D. H.; PINA, D. dos S.; RAMOS, T. A.; MOMBACH, M. A. The main system for feeding cattle in Brazil is the forage-based. It happens due to low cost and high potential of forage production, which can be widely explored in a tropical climate country. Althou... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, C. M. S. de; GARCIA, R.; VALENTIM, J. F.; PEREIRA, O. G. This study was carried out to define sward management targets for mixed Massaigrass (Panicum maximum x P. infestum, cv. Massai) and forage peanut (Arachis pintoi Ac 01) pastures in the Western Brazili... ... |
Autoria: CUTRIM JÚNIOR, J. A. A.; CAVALCANTE, A. C. R.; CÂNDIDO, M. J. D.; SILVA, G. L.; OLIVEIRA, L. E. V.; VASCONCELOS, E. C. G.; MESQUITA, T. M. O. Biomass flow characteristics and forage accumulation were evaluated in Bermudagrass (Tifton 85) pasture managed under intermittent stocking with different management strategies. The management levels... ... |
Autoria: KHALIL, M. I.; FRANCAVIGLIA, R.; HENRY, B.; KLUMPP, K.; KONCZ, P.; LLORENTE, M.; MADARI, B. E.; MUÑOZ-ROJAS, M.; NERGER, R. Understanding management-induced C sequestration potential in soils under agriculture, forestry, and other land use systems and their quantification to offset increasing greenhouse gases are of global... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, C. S.; SILVEIRA, M. C. T. da; BARBERO, L. M.; SOUSA JÚNIOR, S. J.; LIMÃO, V. A.; SILVA, G. P.; SILVA, S. C. da; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, D. do This study was carried out to characterize the dynamics of forage accumulation during the regrowth of Mulatto grass submitted to rotational grazing strategies. The treatments corresponded to combinati... ... |
Autoria: SOUZA, G. C.; JARENKOW, J. A.; RAGUSE-QUADROS, M.; MALDONADO, G.; URRUTH, L. M.; SOSINSKI JUNIOR, E. E.; OLIVEIRA, J. M. Some grasslands in ecotones with forests tend to be encroached by woody species, because of changes in climate and land use. Such structural changes in vegetation can be facilitated when the grassland... ... |
Autoria: ZANINE, A. de M.; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, D. do; SOUSA, B. M. de L.; SILVEIRA, M. C. T. da; SILVA, W. L. da; SANTOS, M. E. R. This study was carried out to analyze the tillering profile of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania) pastures subjected to two grazing frequencies (time necessary to intercept 90 and 95% of the... ... |
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