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Autoria: SAVIAN, J. V.; BARTH NETO, A.; DAVID, D. B. de; BREMM, C.; SCHONS, R. M. T.; GENRO, T. C. M.; AMARAL, G. A. do; GERE, J.; McMANUS, C. M.; BAYER, C.; CARVALHO, P. C. de F.
Autoria: VEIGA, M. da; DURIGON, L.; PANDOLFO, C. M.; BALBINOT JUNIOR, A. A. O uso continuado do sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária pode promover alterações em atributos físicos do solo, bem como afetar a produtividade das culturas semeadas em sucessão à pastagem. O objeti... ... |
Autoria: PERES NETTO, D.; RIBEIRO, A. R. B.; RODRIGUES, A. de A.; FERREIRA, R. de P.; MENDONCA, F. C.; FREITAS, A. R. de; CAMPANA, M.; WECHSLER, F. S. The diurnal ingestive behavior of dairy cows on alfalfa pastures supplemented with corn silage and concentrate was evaluated. Sixteen Holstein dairy cows in mid-lactation were used in a randomized blo... ... |
Management Strategies for Lamb Production on Pasture-Based Systems in Subtropical Regions: A Review. Autoria: POLI, C. H. E. C.; MONTEIRO, A. L. G.; DEVINCENZI, T.; ALBUQUERQUE, F. H. M. A. R. de; MOTTA, J. H. da; BORGES, L. I.; MUIR, J. P. Sheep production on pasture plays an important role in subtropical climates around the world, with great economic and environmental relevance to those regions. However, this production is much lower t... ... |
Autoria: TESK, C. R. M.; CAVALLI, J.; PEREIRA, D. H.; CARVALHO, P.; ALMEIDA, R. M. de; FARIA, A. C. de; RAMOS, T. A.; PEDREIRA, B. C. e The forage use in animal production is functional and can be consider a strongly feed resource in the Brazilian livestock systems. Since grazing management has been studied, the understanding of organ... ... |
Autoria: BERNDT, A.; LEMES, A. P.; ROMERO, L. A.; ALVES, T. C.; PEDROSO, A. M.; PEDROSO, A. de F.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A. The aim of this study was the evaluation of methane emissions from pure Holstein and half Jersey, half Holstein high-producing lactating cows grazing 2 different forages. |
Autoria: PASQUINI NETO, R.; LOBO, A. A. G.; SILVA, G. V. DA; MEDEIROS, S. R. de; PEDROSO, A. de F.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M. The adoption of intensive management allows achieving high productivity with financial and environmental advantages. |
Autoria: EUCLIDES, V. P. B.; COSTA, F. P.; EUCLIDES FILHO, K.; MONTAGNER, D. B.; FIGUEIREDO, G. R. A grazing trial to evaluate biological and economic efficiencies for rearing young animals exclusively on pasture from weaning at 7 months of age, with average initial weight of 220 ± 12 kg, to slaugh... ... |
Herbage production and grazing losses in Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça under four grazing managements. Autoria: CARNEVALLI, R. A.; SILVA, S. C. da; BUENO, A. A. O.; UEBELE, M. C.; BUENO, F. O.; HODGSON, J.; SILVA, G. N.; MORAIS, J. P. G. The n-alkanes have been used to estimate forage dry matter intake, digestibility and the diet composition in grazing animals. The objective this study was to compare chromium oxide and nalkanes techni... ... |
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