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Herbage production and grazing losses in Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça under four grazing managements. Autoria: CARNEVALLI, R. A.; SILVA, S. C. da; BUENO, A. A. O.; UEBELE, M. C.; BUENO, F. O.; HODGSON, J.; SILVA, G. N.; MORAIS, J. P. G. The n-alkanes have been used to estimate forage dry matter intake, digestibility and the diet composition in grazing animals. The objective this study was to compare chromium oxide and nalkanes techni... ... |
Autoria: BERNDT, A.; LEMES, A. P.; ROMERO, L. A.; ALVES, T. C.; PEDROSO, A. M.; PEDROSO, A. de F.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A. The aim of this study was the evaluation of methane emissions from pure Holstein and half Jersey, half Holstein high-producing lactating cows grazing 2 different forages. |
Autoria: KHALIL, M. I.; CORDOVIL, C. M. D. S.; FRANCAVIGLIA, R.; HENRY, B.; KLUMPP, K.; KONCZ, P.; LLORENTE, M.; MADARI, B. E.; MUÑOZ-ROJAS, M.; RAINER, N. 1. Description of the practice. 2. Range of applicability. 3. Impacts on soil organic carbon stocks. 4. Other benefits of the practice. 5. Potential drawbacks to the practice. 6. Recommendations befor... ... |
Autoria: CAVALCANTE, A. C. R.; OGILLO, B. P.; AKUMU, J.; GLUECKS, I. V. Most of 80% of Kenya´s land is categorized as arid and semi-arid. Agropastoralism and pastoralism based on livestock production serve as the bedrock of site livelihoods and culture. Pastoralists? live... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, V. R. V. dos; McNANUS, C.; PERIPOLLI, V.; TANURE, C. B.; LIMA, P. de M. T.; CORRÊA, P. S.; BRITO, D. L.; TORRES, S. E. F. de A.; LOUVANDINI, H. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of three different grazing systems: isolated, alternate and simultaneous, on feed intake, performance and carcass characteristics of sheep. About 5.2 h... ... |
Autoria: EUCLIDES, V. P. B.; MONTAGNER, D. B.; MACEDO, M. C. M.; ARAUJO, A. R. de; DIFANTE, G. S.; BARBOSA, R. A. This 3?year study evaluated the effects of grazing intensity on herbage and steer responses in continuously stocked Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture in the Brazilian savanna. Treatments consis... ... |
Autoria: LOBO, A. A. G.; FURTADO, A. J.; SILVA, G. V. DA; PASQUINI NETO, R.; BERNDT, A.; BUENO, I. C. DA S. Intensification and integration of grazing systems result in better animal performance and bring beneficial effects to the environment through the reduction of enteric methane emissions as well as imp... ... |
Autoria: LOBO, A. A. G.; SILVA, G. V. DA; PASQUINI NETO, R.; FURTADO, A. J.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.; BUENO, I. C. DA S.; BERNDT, A. The intensification of grazing systems and their integration with crops and forest components result in improvement of animal performance and bring beneficial effects to the environment by reducing en... ... |
Autoria: BERNDT, A.; TOMKINS, N. W. The growing global demand for food of animal origin will be the incentive for countries such as Australia and Brazil to increase their beef production and international exports. This increased supply... ... |
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