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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; BERNDT, A.; PEDROSO, A. de F.; ALVES, T. C.; LEMES, A. P.; OLIVEIRA, B. A.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M. Brazilian cattle production is mostly carried out in pastures and the need to reduce the sector's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and its overall environmental footprint has become a priority. |
Autoria: MEDEIROS, S. R. de; COSTA JÚNIOR, C.; GOMES, R. da C.; MARINO, C. T.; BARROS, P. E. P. The objective of this study was to evaluate greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from a feedlot pen surface where Nellore and Brangus bulls were fed diets with low or high fat. |
Autoria: PICOLI, J. F.; MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F.; SEABRA, J. E. A. Abstract: In 2017, Brazil established the National Biofuel Policy (RenovaBio), a state program that aims to boost the production and use of biofuels in the country in more sustainable standards, throu... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, J. C. dos; SENA, A. L. dos S.; MOREIRA, J. M. M. A. P.; BARIONI, L. G.; DIAS, F. R. T.; COSTA, F. P.; FASIABEN, M. do C. R. Global warming resultant from rising in greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) to atmosphere on the last decades leads the mankind to enrich their knowledge about the relationship between the productive activ... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, C. A. de; TRETTEL, M.; GERDES, L; BARBOSA, C. M. P; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.; LIGO, M. A. V.; NOGUEIRA, S. F.; LIMA, M. A. de; CARVALHO, T. A.; BETTANIN, V. C.; SANTOS, J. de O.; VASO, L. M. In Brazil, agriculture contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases, but has great power to sequester carbon (C) in the soil. The objective of this research was to quantify the C stock in the soil... ... |
Autoria: LEITE, F. F. G. D.; ALVES, B. J. R.; NÓBREGA, G. N.; CORDEIRO, R. C.; CESÁRIO, F. V.; SILVEIRA, J. G. da; ARMACOLO, N. M.; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R. Manual static chamber is one of the most widespread methods for the quantification of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission from agricultural systems. But there are concerns about the reliability of measur... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, C. A.; SANTILLI, G.; SANO, E. E.; LANEVE, G. Abstract: This work presents the dynamics of fire occurrences, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, forest clearing, and degradation in the Brazilian Amazon during the period 2006?2019, which includes the... ... |
Autoria: GALDINO, T. L. G.; SIGNOR, D. Grapes are considered one of the world leading fruit crops. They can be grown in various climatic conditions and are highly economically important. Excessive management practices, such as soil prepara... ... |
Autoria: BIASE, A. G.; ALBERTINI, T. Z.; BARBOSA, M.; FERNANDES, P. A. P.; CASTANHEIRA, M. A.; CERQUEIRA, A. G.; GONÇALVES, H. C.; LANNA, D. P.; NEPOMUCENO, N. H. C.; BARIONI, L. G.; MEDEIROS, S. R. de; TORRES JUNIOR, R. A. de A.; FREUA, M. C.; OLTJEN, J. W. The current study is the second from three sequential abstracts based on BeefTrader DSS to maximize profitability of farmers and the meat industry. |
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