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Autoria: MATTOS, B. D.; MISSIO, A. L.; CADEMARTORI, P. H. G. de; GATTO. D. A.; MAGALHAES, W. L. E. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a confecção de compósitos polímero-madeira por meio de polimerização in situ de metil metacrilato (MMA), utilizando ácido metacrílico (MAA) e glicidil metacrilato... ... |
Autoria: MATTOS, B. D.; MISSIO, A. L.; CADEMARTORI, P. H. G. de; GATTO, D. A.; MAGALHAES, W. L. E. The aim of this study was to evaluate the colorimetric properties of Pinus taeda and Schizolobium parahybum woods treated by in situ polymerization. The wood samples were impregnated in a vacuum/ pres... ... |
Correlation between thermal comfort indices and physiological parameters of crossbred dairy heifers. Autoria: CARVALHO, G. A. de; SALMAN, A. K. D.; CRUZ, P. G. da; SILVA, F. R. F. da; SOUZA, E. C. de; SCHMITT, E. The effect of environmental climate on physiological responses of dairy cattle has been studied due to its impact on performance herd. This word studied the relationship of three environmental thermal... ... |
Autoria: VOORT, M.; MENDES, R.; RAAIJMAKERS, J. M. The rhizosphere microbiome offers a range of ecosystem services to the plant. Including nutrient acquisition, tolerance to abiotic stress and protection against diseases. Here we studied how heat trea... ... |
Autoria: ALVES, N. G.; ASCARI, I. J.; CAMARGO, L. S. de A.; JASMIN, J.; QUINTAO, C. C. R.; OLIVEIRA, J. A. S.; SOUZA, E. D.; ASSUNÇÃO, C. M. A.; MENDES, V. R. A.; LIMA, R. R.
Autoria: TEIXEIRA, A. H. de C.; HERNANDEZ, F. B. T.; ANDRADE, R. G.; LEIVAS, J. F.; BOLFE, E. L. The energy balance (EB) components were quantified in a commercial farm with corn crop, irrigated by central pivots, in the Northwestern side of São Paulo state, Southeast Brazil. The SAFER (Simple Al... ... |
Autoria: TEIXEIRA, A. H. de C.; LEIVAS, J. F.; HERNANDEZ, F. B. T.; FRANCO, R. A. M. Aiming to subsidize the rational water resources management, four Landsat 8 (L8) images along different conditions of the year 2014 were used for modeling the radiation and energy balances in the mixe... ... |
Autoria: MOURA, C. V. R.; NERES, H. L. S.; LIMA, M. G.; MOURA, E. M.; MOITA NETO, J. M.; OLIVEIRA, J. E. de; LIMA, J. R. O.; STTOLIN, I. M.; ARAUJO, E. C. E. In this work, it was described the preparation and the characterization of a solid acid catalyst obtained by the mixture of Cr/Al oxides (CRAL). The catalyst was tested in the transesterification reac... ... |
Autoria: BENITES, F. R. G.; PINTO, C. A. B. P. Practically all potato cultivars grown in Brazil are native to Europe and not fully adapted to the tropical conditions. The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic gains of three cycles of r... ... |
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