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Autoria: SALLES FILHO, S.; AVILA, A. F. D.; ALONSO, J. E.; COLUGNATTI, F. This article presents a methodological proposal and an empirical validation for the assessment of ST&I programs, particularly for choosing indicators and metrics from a multidimensional perspective. I... ... |
Autoria: GOMES, J. K. da S.; CUNHA, T. A. da; WADT, L. H. de O.; FIGUEIREDO, E. O. This study aimed to assess the impact of logging operations for timber production on Amazon nut trees to evaluate the compatibility of logging management with the management of native nut stands in a... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; MORAES, O. L. L.; HASENACK, H. The research, conducted in 2002, has aimed at estimating, a priori, how the mesoclimatic change, conditioned by the construction of 3 hydroelectric power plants, will affect the qualitative potential... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, R. C.; ABI-SAAB, O. J. G.; SILVA, M. A. de A. e; SIBALDELLI, R. N. R.; FARIAS, J. R. B.
Autoria: VERÍSSIMO, C. M.; ALCANTARA, R. L.; ANDRADE LIMA, L. L. DE; PEREIRA, G. E.; MACIEL, M. I. S. This study evaluated the correlation between the chemical composition of red wines and the sensory perception of the products. The visual, gustatory and flavour attributes of eight samples of tropical... ... |
Autoria: SUJII, E. R.; TOGNI, P. H. B.; RIBEIRO, P. de A.; BERNARDES, T. de A.; MILANE, P. V. G. N.; PAULA, D. P.; PIRES, C. S. S.
Autoria: BARBARA, J. A.; BIASOTO, A. C. T.; SILVA, E. S.; CORREA, L. C.; ZINI, C. A. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship among phenolic compounds profile of the wines and i) the ripening stage of grapes and ii) the maceration duration. |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, G. S.; BUSCHINELLI, C. C. de A.; AVILA, A. F. D. An environmental impact assessment system for agricultural R&D? has been implemented by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Agency (Embrapa) aiming at fulfilling the institutional mission statement of... ... |
Autoria: JESUS, K. R. E. de; ASSIS, O. B. G. de; CASTRO, V. L. S. S. de; MASSINI, K. C.; BUENO, C. de C.
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