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Autoria: GALLI, V.; MESSIAS, R. da S.; PERIN, E. C.; BOROWSKI, J. M.; BAMBERG, A. L.; ROMBALDI, C. V. Strawberry is one of the most popular fruits because of its shape, color and taste, and the presence of antioxidant compounds. Because severe abiotic stresses result in detrimental consequences to pla... ... |
Autoria: BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; POLIDORO, J. C.; MONTE, M. B. M.; PEREIRA, E. I.; OLIVEIRA, C. R. de
Autoria: FROTA, G. J.; SANTOS, H. O. dos; TIRELLI, G. V.; REALE, A. L.; ROSA, S. D. V. F. da; PEREIRA, W. V. S. Physiological conditioning is reported to result in faster and more uniform seedling emergence in the field and induces tolerance to environmental adversities. This study aimed to evaluate the efficie... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, N. B.; FARIA, D. R.; MENDONÇA, S. M.; MORAES, M. G. de; COELHO, G. R. C.; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de; BHOSALE, R.; CASTRO, A. P. de; LANNA, A. C. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops worldwide. Upland rice growing areas are susceptible to adverse conditions and drought represents the main limiting factor for its produc... ... |
Autoria: JANK, L.; QUESENBERRY, K. H.; SOLLENBERGER, L. E.; WOFFORD, D. S.; LYRENE, P. M. A genetically diverse population of Setaria sphacelata was developed at Gainesville, Florida by intercrossing the cultivars ?Narok?, ?Kazungula? and ?Solander? and a local persistent population. To de... ... |
Autoria: GUIMARÃES, P. H. R.; MELO, P. G. S.; CORDEIRO, A. C. C.; TORGA, P. P.; RANGEL, P. H. N.; CASTRO, A. P. de To attain success with selection process, the breeders need to understand the genetic variability into each population developed by breeding program. In this purpose, breeders need to estimate the var... ... |
Autoria: OTENIO, M. H.; LEITAO, R. C.; GAMBETTA, R.; KUNZ, A. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are an effective way of directing the efforts of nations towards reducing social differences in Brazil and in the world while seeking ways to contribute to envi... ... |
Autoria: CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; MARQUES, R. R.; CARMEIS FILHO, A. C. A.; SORATTO, R. P.; COSTA, C. H. M.; FERRARI NETO, J.; CASTRO, G. S. A.; PARIZ, C. M.; CASTILHOS, A. M.; FRANZLUEBBERS, A. J. In tropical integrated crop-livestock under no-till (NT) systems, the surface application/reapplication of lime and/or gypsum can reduce re-acidification rate of the soil and improve plant nutrition,... ... |
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