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Autoria: MENDES, C. I. C.; CORREA, F. E.; DRUCKER, D. P.; SOARES, F. M.; SARAIVA, A. M.; DELBEM, A. C. B.; OSÓRIO, F. S.; OLIVEIRA, C. G. B.; MARANHÃO, J. O artigo examina ações de governança de dados empregadas em pesquisas realizadas no Centro de Inteligência Artificial (C4AI) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). |
Autoria: NEGRA, C.; VERMEULEN, S.; BARIONI, L. G.; MAMO, T.; MELVILLE, P.; TADESSE, M. As countries around the world face urgent agricultural challenges, the concept of ?climate-smart? agriculture (CSA) has been put forward to achieve climate change adaptation, mitigation, and food secu... ... |
Autoria: RUIZ, R. M.; YANO, I. H.; CASTRO, A. de; VASCONCELOS, J. C. S. This work aims to evaluate the storing and retrieving data response time using an Ethereum Smart Contract application to verify the feasibility of its utilization instead of using relational databases... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, C. M.; WANDER, A. E.; FIGUEIREDO, R. S. In 2016 the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) launched an initiative (movement) entitled 'Rice and Beans: the Brazilian Food' aiming to demonstrate the nutritional importance of di... ... |
Autoria: BAIARDI, A.; PEDROSO, M. T. M. This paper reflects on the controversy between agroecology and modern conventional agriculture. As a counter-paradigm, agroecology criticizes and resists advances in agricultural sciences, including b... ... |
Autoria: PEREZ, D. V.; LAMEIRAS, F. L. Death from hunger in the world may overcome the number of deaths in conventional war. Therefore, food should be considered a National Security core issue of any country. However, the concept of Nation... ... |
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