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Autoria: BERTIN, P. R. B.; LEITE, F. C. L.; PEREIRA, F. do A. This paper presents the efforts undertaken by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation regarding Science and Technology information management, through one of its Decentralized Units, Embrapa T... ... |
Autoria: PINTO, D. M.; ARRUDA, R. G.; TORRES, T. Z. The exponential increase of information available and the potential mechanisms for storage and recovery made clear the need to extend the traditional concept of reference services/ mediation of inform... ... |
Autoria: CUSTÓDIO, A. R.; PEÑALOZA, A. P. S.; VALLS, J. F. M.
Autoria: LONGO, D.; BAZZI, L. C.; SOUZA, G. E.; GEBLER, L.; MAGALHÃES, G. S. P. Technologies related to precision agriculture (AP) have contributed to the development of decision support systems. In this work a tool is presented that allows mapping apple quality indexes georefere... ... |
Autoria: ANTUNES, E.; OLIVEIRA, V. B. V. de; RAMOS, R. G. C.; ESCOBAR, J.; COSTA, J. R. da; SOUZA, R. B. de; TURAZI, C. M. V. Context. Problem. How does Embrapa promote its work?. Scientific dissemination and science popularization. Relationship with the media. Promoting and attending events. Peer educators training. Collect... ... |
Autoria: ANTUNES, E.; OLIVEIRA, V. B. V.; RAMOS, R. G. C.; ESCOBAR, J. L.; COSTA, J. R. da; SOUZA, R. B. de; TURAZI, C. M. V. This chapter is related to target 12.8, which aims to ensure that, by 2040, people everywhere have relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.... ... |
Autoria: PIEROZZI JUNIOR, I.; BERTIN, P. R. B.; MACHADO, C. R. de L.; SILVA, A. R. da In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately prepared to match the knowledge needed to be used in decision-making processes. However, faced with the p... ... |
Autoria: BERTIN, P. R. B.; VACARI, I.; SIMÃO, V. P. M.; VISOLI, M. C.; LEITE, F. C. L. This article presents the experience of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) - a large state-owned company that plays an important global role in research, development, and innova... ... |
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