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Autoria: MEDEIROS, M. A. de; SUJII, E. R.; RASI, G. C.; LIZ, R. S. de; MORAIS, H. C. de
Autoria: PRADO, S. de S.; PANIZZI, A. R.; KILLINY, N. Diverse heteropteran insects that feed on economic important crops, commonly known as stink bugs, are associated with specific gut symbiotic bacteria within their midgut cryptic spaces or the gastric... ... |
Autoria: NICKELE, M. A.; REIS FILHO, W.; PIE, M. R.; PENTEADO, S. do R. C. Leaf-cutting ants are well-known insects due to their remarkable activity as herbivores and the considerable economic damage they cause to many crops. The identification of season and time of day when... ... |
Autoria: CARAVIERI, F. A.; FERREIRA, A. J.; FERREIRA, A.; CLIVATI, D.; MIRANDA, V. F. O. de; ARAÚJO, W. L. The species of bacteria associated with the traps of the carnivorous plants Utricularia hydrocarpa Vahl and Genlisea filiformis A. St.-Hil. were identified by analysing 16S rRNA gene libraries. We obs... ... |
Autoria: ZANELLA, L.; BORÉM, R. A. T.; SOUZA, C. G.; ALVES, H. M. R.; BORÉM, F. M. The goals of this research were to analyze the fragmentation of the Atlantic Forest and to create landscape management scenarios for the municipality of Carmo de Minas, MG, Brazil. We used landscape m... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, R. O. DA; URRUTIA, W.; PONCE, J.; BERNARDI, C.; BOTTON, M.; BORGES, R.; MACHOTA JR, R.; RICO, J.; SAROLI, J.; SHARMA, K.; MAFRA, L. E. J.; MAFRA-NETO, A. Introduction: While the advantages of semiochemical-based pest control technologies over traditional insecticides are well-documented (reduced hazards to non-targets and the environment, lower risk of... ... |
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