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Autoria: SILVA, R. O. DA; URRUTIA, W.; PONCE, J.; BERNARDI, C.; BOTTON, M.; BORGES, R.; MACHOTA JR, R.; RICO, J.; SAROLI, J.; SHARMA, K.; MAFRA, L. E. J.; MAFRA-NETO, A. Introduction: While the advantages of semiochemical-based pest control technologies over traditional insecticides are well-documented (reduced hazards to non-targets and the environment, lower risk of... ... |
Autoria: SHARMA, K.; BOTTON, M.; BORGES, R.; MACHOTA JR, R.; SAROLI, J.; RICO, J.; SILVA, R. O. da; BERNARDI, C.; URRUTIA, W.; MAFRA, L. E. J.; MAFRA-NETO, A. Introduction: Semiochemicals (chemicals impacting insect behavior) have been employed in species-specific, ecologically friendly insect pest control strategies through a wide variety of mechanisms, ma... ... |
Autoria: MACHADO, D. do N.; COSTA, E. C.; PERINI, C. R.; VALMORBIDA, I.; SOUZA, D. de S.; PEDRON, L.; SALDANHA, M. A.; FROEHLICH, R.; SCHUHLI, G. S. e; GREFF, H. P.; OLIVEIRA, J. de; ARNEMANN, J. A. The Cerambycidae Oncideres impluviata (Germar, 1823) is an important insect pest for Acacia mearnsii De Wild in Southern Brazil. The damage caused by their girdling behavior reduces tree productivity,... ... |
Autoria: WISCH, L. N.; VILAS-BÔAS, G. T. F. L.; SOSA-GÓMEZ, D. R.
Autoria: VALICENTE, F. H.; MOURÃO, A. H. C. The amount and sources of carbon and nitrogen used to produce Bacillus thuringiensis(Berliner)-based biopesticide may in fluence the quality of the final product. The objective of this research was to... ... |
Autoria: ANDREAZZA, F.; BERNARDI, D.; SANTOS, R. S. S. dos; GARCIA, F. R. M.; OLIVEIRA, E. E.; BOTTON, M.; NAVA, D. E. Non-native insect pests are often responsible for important damage to native and agricultural plant hosts. Since Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) has become an important pest in N... ... |
Autoria: PALMA, G. R.; MELLO, R. F.; GODOY, W. A.; ENGEL, E.; LAU, D.; MARKHAM, C.; MORAL, R. A. Implementing insect monitoring systems provides an excellent opportunity to create accurate interventions for insect control. However, selecting the appropriate time for an intervention is still an op... ... |
Autoria: LINS, L. C. P.; SILVA, E. H. da; GIELFI, F. S.; HIROSE, E.; MIRANDA, J. E.
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