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Autoria: VETORELLI, M. P.; RODRIGUES, L. A.; KIMPARA, J. M.; VALENTI, W. C. The effects of the intensification on the performance of the Amazon River prawn hatchery carried out in a simple recirculation system were investigated. |
Autoria: BOLFE, E. L.; PARREIRAS, T. C.; SILVA, L. A. P. da; SANO, E. E.; BETTIOL, G. M.; VICTORIA, D. de C.; DEL'ARCO SANCHES, I.; VICENTE, L. E. Agricultural intensification practices have been adopted in the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado), mainly in the transition between Cerrado and the Amazon Forest, to increase productivity while reducing pre... ... |
Autoria: SILVA, R. O.; BARIONI, L. G.; HALL, J. A. J.; MATSUURA, M. I. da S. F.; ALBERTINI, T. Z.; FERNANDES, F. A.; MORAN, D. Reduced global meat consumption coupled with improved production efficiency is increasingly advanced as part of a sustainable agricultural intensification agenda to reduce harmful external costs, part... ... |
Sustainable intensification of Brazilian livestock production through optimized pasture restoration. Autoria: SILVA, R. de O.; BARIONI, L. G.; HALL, J. A. J; MORETTI, A. C.; VELOSO, R. F.; ALEXANDER, P.; CRESPOLINI, M.; MORAN, D. Grassland degradation compromises the profitability of Brazilian livestock production, and pasture recovery is a promising strategy for sustainable intensification of agriculture (SAI). Recovery incre... ... |
Autoria: YUAN, S.; LINQUIST, B. A.; WILSON, L. T.; CASSMAN, K. G.; STUART, A. M.; PEDE, V.; MIRO, B.; SAITO, K.; AGUSTIANI, N.; ARISTYA, V. E.; KRISNADI, L. Y.; ZANON, A. J.; HEINEMANN, A. B.; CARRACELAS, G.; SUBASH, N.; BRAHMANAND, P. S.; LI, T.; PENG, S.; GRASSINI, P. Future rice systems must produce more grain while minimizing the negative environmental impacts. A key question is how to orient agricultural research & development (R&D) programs at national to globa... ... |
Autoria: CORTE, R. R.; SILVA, S. L.; PEDROSO, A. de F.; NASSU, R. T.; TULLIO, R. R.; BERNDT, A.; SAKAMOTO, L. S.; RODRIGUES, P. H. M.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A. The intensification of livestock production in tropical grazing areas should be based on the best use of the potential of pasture growth with a sustainability focus. |
Autoria: VALENTIM, J. F.; ANDRADE, C. M. S. de; SALES, M. F. L.; ASSIS, G. M. L. de; SA, C. P. de; COSTA, F. de S. Brazil has 112 million hectares of cultivated pastures (IBGE, 2017), of which 52% are degraded and 25% in degradation (DIAS-FILHO, 2014), according to estimates. Livestock intensification is the main... ... |
Autoria: BERGIER, I.; SILVA, A. P. S.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; OLIVEIRA, L. O. F. de; TOMAZI, M.; DIAS, F. R. T.; URBANETZ, C.; NOGUEIRA, E.; SILVA, J. C. B. Bovine livestock is a major anthropogenic greenhouse gas source via entericmethane. Brazilian bovine livestock is also responsible for emissions from land-use changes. In contrast, enteric emissions f... ... |
Autoria: LATAWIEC, A. E.; STRASSBURG, B. B. N.; VALENTIM, J. F.; RAMOS, F.; PINTO, H. N. A. Intensification of Brazilian cattle ranching systems has attracted both national and international attention due to its direct relation with Amazon deforestation on the one hand and increasing demand... ... |
Multitemporal segmentation of Sentinel-2 images in an agricultural intensification region in Brazil. Autoria: SANTOS, L. T. dos; WERNER, J. P. S.; REIS, A. A. dos; TORO, A. P. G.; ANTUNES, J. F. G.; COUTINHO, A. C.; LAMPARELLI, R. A. C.; MAGALHÃES, P. S. G.; ESQUERDO, J. C. D. M.; FIGUEIREDO, G. K. D. A. ABSTRACT: With the recent evolution in the sensor's spatial resolution, such as the MultiSpectral Imager (MSI) of the Sentinel-2 mission, the need to use segmentation techniques in satellite images ha... ... |
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