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Autoria: ALMEIDA, R. E. M. de; FAVARIN, J. L.; OTTO, R.; PIEROZAN JUNIOR, C.; OLIVEIRA, S. M. de; TEZOTTO, T.; LAGO, B. C. Pasture and grain crop intercropping is considered an alternative for increasing biomass production during the winter periods in Brazil for the establishment of no-tillage systems. We studied nitrogen... ... |
Autoria: MARTINS, C. R.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; BARROS, I. de Abstract: The economic and environmental performances of agriculture intercropping depend on the complementarities between the crops that make up the system. The objective of this work was to analyze... ... |
Intercropping of young grapevines with native grasses for phytoremediation of Cu-contaminated soils. Autoria: DE CONTI, L.; CERETTA, C. A.; MELO, G. W. B. de; TIECHER, T. L.; SILVA, L. O. S.; GARLET, L. P.; MIMMO, T.; CESCO, S.; BRUNETTO, G. Intercropping may be a strategy for phytoremediation of vineyard soils with high copper (Cu) content. The study aimed to evaluate the contribution of South American native grasses in limiting Cu avail... ... |
Autoria: BEZERRA NETO, F.; GOMES, E. G.; ARAÚJO, R. R. de; OLIVEIRA, E. Q. de; NUNES, G. H. de S.; GRANGEIRO, L. C.; AZEVEDO, C. M. da S. B.
Autoria: SANTOS, J. C. F.; CUNHA, A. J. da; FERREIRA, F. A.; SAKIYAMA, N. S.; LIMA, P. C. de
Autoria: ROMANO, M. R.; SOUSA, D. H. L.; HASHIGUTI, H. T.; BRIGHENTI, A. M. This study aimed to evaluate agronomic traits of a cassava (Manihot esculenta) intercropping system with Urochloa brizantha (Syn. Brachiaria brizantha). The experiment was carried out at Paranavaí, Br... ... |
Autoria: ALMEIDA, R. E. M. de; OLIVEIRA, S. M. de; LAGO, B. C.; PIEROZAN JUNIOR, C.; FAVARIN, J. L.; COSTA, R. V. da; CAMPOS, L. J. M. This technique enhanced land use efficiency and allows forage production for cattle during dry season and straw to no till system. |
Autoria: SANTOS, J. C. F.; CUNHA, A. J. da; MELO, B. de The legumes are favorite species in green manure and, depending on the management, they can promote good soil coverage between the rows on the coffee plantation and reduce the weed infestation. This s... ... |
Autoria: MAKINO, P. A.; CECCON, G.; FACHINELLI, R.; LUZ, R. A. da; ABREU, H. K. A. de
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