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Autoria: OLIVEIRA, C. P. M. de; SIMOES, W. L.; SILVA, J. A. B. da; FARIA, G. A.; LOPES, P. R. C.; AMORIM, M. do N. The present study evaluated the physiological and biochemical parameters of apple trees under different irrigation water depths in a semiarid region of Brazil. The experiment had a split-plot randomiz... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE JUNIOR, A. S. de; IRENE FILHO, J.; FERREIRA, J. O. P.; RIBEIRO, V. Q.; BASTOS, E. A. Objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento de cultivares de feijão-caupi de porte semi-ereto e semiprostrado em resposta a aplicação de lâminas de irrigação nas condições de solo e clima do município de Bom J... ... |
Autoria: ESPINDULA, M. C.; RODOVALHO, G. M.; MARCOLAN, A. L.; BARBERENA, I. M.; CIPRIANI, H. N.; ARAÚJO, L. F. B. de This study presents an evaluation of the viability of using protected urea under different irrigation depths to reduce nitrogen losses caused by the volatilization of ammonia (NH3) under the condition... ... |
Autoria: Santana Junior, E. B.; COELHO, E. F.; Santos, M. R. dos; Silva, A. J. P. da; Reis, J. B. R. da S.; Pereira, B. L. da S. Information on soil hydrodynamic processes assists in explaining the soil-water-plant relationship and has practical applications to irrigation management, such as the definition of soil water sensor... ... |
Autoria: SANCHES, A. C.; SOUZA, D. P. de; JESUS, F. L. F. de; MAFFEI, R. G.; MENDONÇA, F. C.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M. Knowledge of soil water content is important for proper irrigation management because it allows estimating the required amount of water to be applied at the correct time. Capacitance sensors are an al... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, J. R.; GUERRA, H. O. C.; ZONTA, J. H.; BEZERRA, J. R. C.; ALMEIDA, E. S. A. B. de; ARAÚJO, W. P. This study aimed to identify the irrigation depth (305, 436, 567 and 698 mm), applied on the basis of crop evapotranspiration- ETc (the depth of 567 mm was equal to 100% of ETc) for best yield (Y) and... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, V. P. M. de; SIMOES, W. L.; DIAS, N. da S.; SILVA, J. S. da; BARBOSA, K. V. F. Brazil is the seventh largest producer of mangoes in the world, and the São Francisco Valley is the main producing region, with ?Kent? as one of the main cultivars. Considering that irrigation managem... ... |
Autoria: MARANHÃO, S. R.; POMPEU, R. C. F. F.; SOUZA, H. A. de; CÂNDIDO, M. J. D.; FONTINELE, R. G.; LOPES, M. N.; CAVALCANTE, A. C. R.; ROGERIO, M. C. P.; GUEDES, F. L. Abstract: This work aimed to evaluate the physiological parameters, the biomass flow, and the productive characteristics of the grasses BRS Piatã and BRS Paiaguás at different levels of water supply i... ... |
Autoria: PEREIRA, J. R.; GUERRA, H. O. C.; BEZERRA, J. R. C.; ZONTA, J. H.; ARAÚJO, W. P.; ALMEIDA, E. S. A. B. de The aim of this work was to evaluate the growth of sesame BRS 196 CNPA G4 in different irrigation depths (305, 436, 567 and 698 mm), applied on the basis of crop evapotranspiration? ETc (the depth of... ... |
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