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Autoria: PINTO, V. M.; REIS, A. F. de B.; MELO, M. L. A. de; REICHARDT, K.; SANTOS, D.; VAN LIER, Q. de J. Drought events and water use conflicts drive the need for more efficient water management in rice-growing areas of the Brazilian Cerrado. Recent studies have shown the advantages of adopting water-sav... ... |
Autoria: OLDONI, H.; BASSOI, L. H. The objective of this work was to delineate irrigation management zones using geostatistics and multivariate analysis in different combinations of physical and hydraulic soil properties, as well as to... ... |
Autoria: ANDRADE, V. P. M. de; SILVA, J. A. B. da; SOUZA, J. S. C. de; OLIVEIRA, F. F.; SIMOES, W. L. The viticulture in the semiarid region of Brazil stands out in the country due to the expansion of its cultivated area and increased production, especially in the sub-mid São Francisco Valley. However... ... |
Autoria: GUIMARÃES, M. J. M.; SIMOES, W. L.; SALVIANO, A. M.; OLIVEIRA, A. R. de; SILVA, J. S. da; BARROS, J. R. A.; WILLADINO, L. In order to obtain an efficient cultivation of grain sorghum in production systems that use saline water, an adequate management becomes necessary for maximizing its production. The present study aime... ... |
Autoria: Santana Junior, E. B.; COELHO, E. F.; Santos, M. R. dos; Silva, A. J. P. da; Reis, J. B. R. da S.; Pereira, B. L. da S. Information on soil hydrodynamic processes assists in explaining the soil-water-plant relationship and has practical applications to irrigation management, such as the definition of soil water sensor... ... |
Autoria: LIMA FILHO, J. M.; COSTA, A. L. C.; SOARES, J. M.; PEREIRA, G. E.; SANTOS, J. de O.; ALENCAR, Y. C. L. de The So Francisco Valley has been considered a new growing region for wine grapeproduction. In this region, the wines have a typical taste and are the unique ones producedunder tropical conditions. Bec... ... |
Autoria: RODRIGUES, H.; CEDDIA, M. B.; TASSINARI, W.; VASQUES, G. M.; BRANDAO, Z. N.; MORAIS, J. P. S.; OLIVEIRA, R. P. de; NEVES, M. L.; TAVARES, S. R. de L. The scientific field of precision agriculture employs increasingly innovative techniques to optimize inputs, maximize profitability, and reduce environmental impact. However, obtaining a high number o... ... |
Autoria: MARIN, F. R.; SILVA, E. F.; GONÇALVES, A. O.; SOUZA, T. T.; SOBENKO, L. R. Os grandes avanços nas tecnologias de irrigação não foram acompanhados pelo manejo de irrigação na maior parte das áreas irrigadas. A falta de informações básicas sobre as necessidades hídricas das cu... ... |
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