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Autoria: CARVALHO, A. R.; BUENO, V. H. P.; SILVA, D. B.; LENTEREN, J. C. van; PETRAZZINI, L. L.; YURI, J. E. The objective this work was to evaluate the potential interference of two types of management of leafminer populations and their parasitoids under commercial production conditions of lettuce in plasti... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, J. de O.; ANGELOTTI, F.; COSTA-LIMA, T. C. da Abstract: An increase in the carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) in the atmosphere has occurred in recent years, influencing the different biological aspects of herbivorous insects. The present study a... ... |
Autoria: LEMOS, L. J. U.; COSTA-LIMA, T. C. da; GODOY, W. A. C.; BARROS, R. V.; BARROS, R. Interspecific competitions are important mechanisms in structuring ecological communities, including agroecosystems, in which different species may share the same food resource. In melons, two major p... ... |
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