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Autoria: COSTA, S. D. A. da; BRASIL, E. C.; SILVA JÚNIOR, M. L. da The objectiveof this study was to evaluate changes in the chemical attributes of the soil caused by the use of limestone associated or not to with gypsum in no-tillage system. The experiment was condu... ... |
Autoria: SANTOS, F. C. dos; RESENDE, A. V. de; SOARES, J. R.; VIANA, J. H. M.; SANTANA, M. L. T.; MOREIRA, S. G.; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, M. R. de An experiment was conducted in the greenhouse facilities of Embrapa Maize and Sorghum to evaluate the limestone reaction in sandy soil based on rates, limestone type, effective calcium carbonate equiv... ... |
Autoria: DIANA, T. F.; CALDERANO, A. A.; ROSTAGNO, H. S.; MARQUES, M. R. de L.; TAVERNARI, F. de C.; VERONEZE, R.; ALBINO, L. F. T. Abstract: Apparent calcium (Ca) retention and digestibility coefficients are affected by limestone particle size in the diet of laying hens. This study aimed to determine the apparent retention and di... ... |
Autoria: ALMEIDA, A. L. G. de; MINGOTTE, F. L. C.; COELHO, A. P.; LEMOS, L. B.; MELO, F. de B.; PRADO, R. de M. Evaluating agricultural management practices, such as liming, is essential in regions with acidic soils to increase the yield of agricultural crops. The aim was to evaluate soil fertility, agronomic p... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of superficial application of limestone and slag, and their effects on soil chemical attributes and on yield and mineral nutrition of soybean,... ... |
Autoria: LEMAINSKI, J.; DENARDIN, J. E.; DONAGEMMA, G. K. Soil structure depends on physical, chemical, and biological factors. The interaction of these factors is a result of quantity and quality of residues and other inputs added to the soil, as well as th... ... |
Autoria: CASTRO, G. S. A.; CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; COSTA, C. H. M. da; FERRARI NETO, J.; MANCUSO, M. A. C. Although lime is currently the most commonly applied material for soil acidity correction in Brazil, calcium-magnesium silicate application may efficiently replace this source due to its higher solubi... ... |
Autoria: DIANA, T. F.; CALDERANO, A. A.; TAVERNARI, F. de C.; ROSTAGNO, H. S.; TEIXEIRA, A. de O.; ALBINO, L. F. T. Abstract: The apparent calcium (Ca) digestibility coefficient (ADC) and true digestibility coefficient (TDC) of different inorganic calcium sources were determined in laying hens of different ages. Th... ... |
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