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Autoria: ESTEVES, E. M. M.; ESTEVES, V. P. P.; BUNGENSTAB, D. J.; ARAÚJO, O. de Q. F.; MORGADO, C. do R. V. Biodiesel has great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as an alternative to fossil diesel. However, its production occurs under different agricultural systems, with different levels of emis... ... |
Autoria: PADOVANI, C. R.; ARAÚJO, A. F. de; ISHII, R. P.; MATSUBARA, E. T.; ESQUERDO, J. C. D. M.; ANTONIASSI, R. A. dos S. The Pantanal is an extensive sedimentary plain, with seasonal flooding and where extensive livestock farming is the main economic activity. Flood seasonality is a natural process in wetlands, it natur... ... |
Autoria: WAQUIL, P. D.; NESKE, M. Z.; RIBEIRO, C. M.; SCHLICK, F. E.; ANDREATTA, T.; PERLEBERG, C.; BORBA, M. F. S.; TRINDADE, J. P. P.; CARRIQUIRY, R.; MALAQUIN, I.; SARAIVA, A.; GONZALES, M.; CLAUDINO, L. S. D. Social, ecological, and economic sciences have all shown interest in studying the social group called family livestock farmers. The main characteristic of this group, which is present in the Pampa bio... ... |
Autoria: TORRES, F. Z. V.; SOUZA, D. A. de; LIRA, E. C.; FARIA, M. R. de; SUJII, E. R.; LOPES, R. B.
Autoria: MIRAILH, R.; ALBANO, C. S.; LAMPERT, V. do N. Resumo Objetivo do estudo: Construir uma matriz de indicadores, conforme a ótica conceitual do BSC, adaptando às dimensões de sustentabilidade relacionadas à pecuária familiar. Metodologia/abordagem:... ... |
Autoria: AFONSO, T. M.; CARVALHO, G. M. C.; HADLICH, J. C.; RODRIGUES, V. de S.; BARROS, D. A.; VASCONCELOS, A. B. de; IGARASI, M. S. This study evaluated different crosses for sustainable beef production in the Meio-Norte, Brazil. Thirty-four cattle [seven Curraleiro Pé-duro (CPD), six Nellore (NEL), seven F1 (½ NEL + ½ CPD), seven... ... |
Autoria: TORRES, F. Z. V.; SOUZA, D. A.; LIRA, E. C.; FARIA, M.; SUJII, E.; LOPES, R. B. An enzootic is reported of Ophiocordyceps myrmicarum in field populations of a non-Formicidae insect, the brown shield stink bug Scaptocoris castanea (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). |
Autoria: GARCIA, A. R.; SOUSA, A. J. C.; BARRETO, A. N.; GUIMARAES, E. da S.; BERNARDI, A. C. de C.; MARCONDES, C. R.; PEZZOPANE, J. R. M.; AZEVEDO, G. N.; PILOTO, V. R.; ARRUDA, R. P. Electronic animal monitoring devices have been tested to increase the productivity and sustainability of agricultural and food systems. For this reason, the study aimed to evaluate traits related to t... ... |
Autoria: ZANETTI, L. K.; PINHO, L. F.; MORAES, M. J.; AZEVEDO, G. N.; ALVES, T. C.; GARCIA, A. R. The implementation of precise livestock farming technologies has as a premise the electronic identification of the animals. |
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