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Autoria: ANDERSEN, H. E.; REUTEBUCH, S. E.; MCGAUGHEY, R. J.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. D.; KELLER, M. The objective of this study was to test the use of repeat flight, airborne laser scanning data (lidar) for estimating changes associatedwith low-impact selective logging (approx. 10?15 m3 ha−1 =... ... |
Optimal selective logging regime and log landing location models: a case study in the Amazon forest. Autoria: SILVA, P. H. da; GOMIDE, L. R.; FIGUEIREDO, E. O.; CARVALHO, L. M. T. de; FERRAZ FILHO, A. C. Reduced-impact logging is a well known practice applied in most sustainable forest management plans in the Amazon. Nevertheless, there are still ways to improve the operational planning process. There... ... |
Autoria: ISAAC JÚNIOR, M. A.; BARBOSA, B. H. G.; GOMIDE, L. R.; CALEGARIO, N.; FIGUEIREDO, E. O.; MORAS FILHO, L. O.; MELO, E. de A.; DANTAS, D. To reduce the damage caused by logging in the Amazon rainforest, new metaheuristics have been implemented and tested to ensure the sustainability of this economic segment. Therefore, this study aimed... ... |
Autoria: BRAZ, E. M.; MATTOS, P. P. de; OLIVEIRA, M. F.; BASSO, R. O. Data of increment of the remnant trees after logging, ingrowth and mortality was obtained by assessment before logging and after 6 years, two sites of 50 ha, in Amazon forest. Logging scenarios were s... ... |
Autoria: SCHWARTZ, G.; DIONISIO, L. F. S.; OLIVEIRA, J. de; SILVA, A. R.; BARDALES-LOZANO, R. M.; LOPES, J. do C. A colheita em florestas nativas gera resíduos, que podem trazer renda extra com a produção de carvão vegetal e fabricação de pequenos objetos de madeira. Neste estudo, foram avaliados os efeitos da re... ... |
Autoria: PIPONIOT, C.; SIST, P.; MAZZEI, L.; PEÑA-CLAROS, M.; PUTZ, F. E.; RUTISHAUSER, E.; SHENKIN, A.; ASCARRUNZ, N.; AZEVEDO, C. P. de; BARALOTO, C.; FRANÇA, M.; GUEDES, M.; CORONADO, E. N. H.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'; RUSCHEL, A. R.; SILVA, K. E. da; SOTTA, E. D.; SOUZA, C. R. de; VIDAL, E.; WEST, T. A. P.; HERAULT, B. When 2 Mha of Amazonian forests are disturbed by selective logging each year, more than 90 Tg of carbon (C) is emitted to the atmosphere. Emissions are then counterbalanced by forest regrowth. With an... ... |
Autoria: TRITSCH, I.; SIST, P.; NARVAES, I. da S.; FREITAS, L. J. M. de; BLANC, L.; BOURGOIN, C.; CORNU, G.; GOND, V. In the Brazilian Amazon, multiple logging activities are undergoing, involving different actors and interests. They shape a disturbance gradient bound to the intensity and frequency of logging, and fo... ... |
Autoria: KROESSIN, A.; ROSSI, L. M. B.; MELO, L. O. The Amazon has a great biodiversity that needs research to ensure its development without the extinction of its natural resources. This study aims to increase understanding of changes in dynamics (rec... ... |
Autoria: BARROS, Q. S.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'; SILVA, E. F. da; GÖRGENS, E. B.; MENDONÇA, A. R. de; SILVA, G. F. da; REIS, C. R.; GOMES, L. F.; CARVALHO, A. L. de; OLIVEIRA, E. K. B. de; RODRIGUES, N. M. M.; ROCHA, Q. S. Monitoring reduced impact logging (RIL) activities in sustainably managed forest areas in the Amazon is a costly and complex, yet crucial endeavor. One viable monitoring option is the use of airborne... ... |
Autoria: COSTA, N. S. L.; JARDIM, F. C. da S.; NEVES, R. L. P.; SCHWARTZ, G.; DIONISIO, L. F. S. The natural regeneration dynamics of Theobroma subincanum Mart. (Malvaceae) around canopy gaps created by tree felling due to selective logging was assessed. For that, an experiment located in the Exp... ... |
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