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Autoria: YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; PINTO, M. S.; VIEIRA, L. R.; BRUNO, M. H. F.; NONATO, J. V. A.; SILVA, P. A.; FERNANDES, F. R.; GERHARDT, I. R.; DANTE, R. A.; SILVA, M. J.; PAUWELS, L.; ARRUDA, P. In 2019, we established maize transformation capabilities at the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC) in Campinas, Brazil, as part of a plant biotechnology pipeline using maize immature... ... |
Autoria: ENTRINGER, G. C.; GUEDES, F. L.; OLIVEIRA, A. A.; NASCIMENTO, J. P.; SOUZA, J. C. Abstract: Among the many implications of climatic change on agriculture, drought is expected to continue to have a major impact on agribusinesses. Leaf curling is an anatomical characteristic that mig... ... |
Autoria: BOGGIONE, I. M.; ANDRADE, C. de L. T. de; BORGES JÚNIOR, J. C. F.; VIANA, J. H. M. In Brazil, the rainfed maize crop may undergo yield breaks due to uncertainties in the rainfall distribution. Irrigation can be a management alternative that, however, requires evaluation and planning... ... |
Autoria: MATTIELLO, L.; KIRST, M.; SILVA, F. R. da; JORGE, R. A.; MENOSSI, M. Aluminum (Al) toxicity is one of the most important yield-limiting factors of many crops worldwide. The primary symptom of Al toxicity syndrome is the inhibition of root growth leading to poor water a... ... |
Autoria: ARMANHI, J. S. L.; SOUZA, R. S. C. de; BIAZOTTI, B. B.; YASSITEPE, J. E. de C. T.; ARRUDA, P. Plant perception and responses to environmental stresses are known to encompass a complex set of mechanisms in which the microbiome is involved. Knowledge about plant physiological responses is theref... ... |
Autoria: FERREIRA, J. L.; COELHO, C. H. M.; MAGALHAES, P. C.; GAMA, E. E. G. e; BORÉM, L. Maize plants of the variety BRS 4154 - Saracura were evaluated in different cycles of recurrenl selection to determine genetic gains in flooding talerance, arranged in a random block design. The maize... ... |
Autoria: RIOS, S. de A.; PAES, M. C. D.; BORÉM, A.; CRUZ, C. D.; GUIMARAES, P. E. de O.; SCHAFFERT, R. E.; CARDOSO, W. S.; PACHECO, C. A. P. The purpose of this study was to investigate the adaptability and stability of carotenoids in maize cultivars in the 2004/2005 growing season. Total carotenoids (TC), total carotenoids with provitamin... ... |
Autoria: MICHEREFF, M. F. F.; NASCIMENTO, I. N.; SANTANA, G. T.; SARRIA, A. L. F.; BORGES, M.; LAUMANN, R. A.; WITHALL, D. M.; CAULFIELD, J. C.; BIRKETT, M. A.; MORAES, M. C. B. Plants are equipped with various defensive attributes against herbivores, including volatile and nonvolatile compounds. In maize plants, benzoxazinoids mediate resistance against some herbivores, with... ... |
Autoria: TEIXEIRA, F. F.; VASCONCELLOS, J. H. de; ANDRADE, R. V. de; SANTOS, M. X. dos; LEITE, C. E. P.; GUIMARAES, P. E. de O.; PARENTONI, S. N.; MEIRELLES, W. F.; PACHECO, C. A. P.; CECCON, G. The maize cultivars BRS Cipotânea and BRS Diamantina were developed from accessions of the Maize Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Maize and Sorghum. The evaluation was participative, performed by scientists... ... |
Autoria: ACORSI, C. R. L.; GUEDES, T. A.; COAN, M. M. D.; PINTO, R. J. B.; SCAPIM, C. A.; PACHECO, C. A. P.; GUIMARAES, P. E. de O.; CASELA, C. R. Analysing the stability and adaptation of cultivars to different environments is always necessary before recommending them for planting on large areas. Additive main effects and multiplicative interac... ... |
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