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Autoria: MOREIRA-MUÑOZ, A.; MONGE, M.; GROSSI, M. A.; CASTILLO, F. A. A.; MORALES-FIERRO, V.; HEIDEN, G.; BRITTO, B.; BECK, S.; NAKAJIMA, J. N.; SALGADO, V. G.; RODRÍGUEZ-CRAVERO, J. F.; GUTIÉRREZ, D, G. Abstract: Asteraceae is the world’s richest plant family and is found on all continents, in environments ranging from the coast to the highest mountains. The family shows all growth forms and, as in o... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; RUIZ, V. S.; MONTES, C.; ULLARTE. E. M.; BRUNO, L. A.; CLÍMACO, P.; ACEVEDO, Y. P.; VALENZUELA-SOLANO, C.; SAKODA, B. H.; CARBONNEAU, A. Thewine production is an important activity in many Ibero-American countries. The wine producer regions of these countriesconfigure a large use of different c1imate types and viticultural climates. ln... ... |
Autoria: BRIANEZI FILHO, D.; BRUM, G. R.; PEDRINHO, D. R.; FERREIRA, A. D.; LAURA, V. A. The levels of greenhouse gases (GHG) have been significantly increased since the Industrial Revolution. However, only after 1980 was that the changes in the levels of GHG were scientifically evident.... ... |
Autoria: TONIETTO, J.; SOTES RUIZ, V.; ZANUS, M. C.; MONTES, C.; ULIARTE, E. M.; BRUNO, L. A.; CLIMACO, P.; PENA, A.; GUERRA, C. C.; CATANIA, C. D.; KOHLBERG, E. K.; PEREIRA, G. E.; RICARDO-DA-SILVA, J.-M.; RAGOUT, J. V.; NAVARRO, L. V.; LAUREANO, O.; DE CASTRO, R.; DEL MONTE, R. F.; DEL MONTE, S. A.; GOMEZ-MIGUEL, V.; CARBONNEAU, A. Aim: This study is part of a CYTED (Ibero-American Program for Science, Technology and Development) project on vitivinicultural zoning. The objective was to characterize the effect of viticultural cli... ... |
Autoria: PYLRO, V. S.; ROESCH, L. F. W.; ORTEGA, J. M.; AMARAL, A. M. do; TÓTOLA, M. R.; HIRSCH, P. R.; ROSADO, A. S.; GÓES-NETO, A.; SILVA, A. L. da C.; ROSA, C. A.; MORAIS, D. K.; ANDREOTE, F. D.; DUARTE, G. F.; MELO, I. S. de; SELDIN, L.; LAMBAIS, M. R.; HUNGRIA, M.; PEIXOTO, R. S.; KRUGER, R. H.; TSAI, S. M.; AZEVEDO, V. The Brazilian Microbiome Project (BMP) aims to assemble a Brazilian Metagenomic Consortium/Database. At present, many metagenomic projects underway in Brazil are widely known. Our goal in this initiat... ... |
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